Home > Content Management Systems > Adobe Experience Manager > Working with Adobe Experience Manager CRX folders

Working with Adobe Experience Manager CRX folders

Understand how you can create a CRX folder and upload files from Adobe FrameMaker to Adobe Experience Manager. See the various other operations that you can perform on the folder.

You have the option of adding files at any level of the content folder hierarchy. However, to take advantage of the Adobe Experience Manager's Digital Asset Management (DAM) functionality, you are recommended to a create folder within the dam folder. After you have created a folder, you can then upload files and folders to the repository.

  1. To create a sub folder within the dam folder, right-click on the dam folder and select New Folder.

  2. Enter the new folder name. Click OK.

    Before you can start working with files in the repository, you need to first upload the files.

    You can choose to upload a file or upload a folder. If you upload a folder, all the sub-folders and files within the selected folder are uploaded.

  3. To upload a file, right-click on the folder into which you want to upload, and choose one of the following:

    Important: To be able to upload files, you must have the WebDAV support enabled on your AEM server.
    Upload File

    Upload a single file without its dependencies.

    Important: Ensure that your file name does not contain any special characters like *, /, :, [, \, ], |, #, %.
    Upload File With Dependents

    Upload a single file with the following dependencies:

    • Content references

    • Cross references

    • Graphics

    Upload Folder

    Upload a folder and its contents.

  4. Choose the file or folder to upload. Click Select.

    The file or folder is uploaded within the selected folder in the AEM repository.

Note: When you upload an asset (file/folder) already present in DAM, FrameMaker creates a minor version of the asset. This happens only if the present asset in DAM is not locked by a user.

Other operations on the folder

Besides creating a folder and uploading files/folders to a folder in the AEM repository, you can also perform the following operations at a folder level:


Delete a folder and its contents.

Locate the physical destination of the folder on the local machine. This is available only for those files that have been checked out once.
Open on Server
Open the selected asset in default browser.
Checkout Files
Checkout all files in the folder
Checkin Files
Checkin all checked out files in the folder.
Cancel Checked Out Files
Cancel files checked out in the folder.
Show Checked out Files

Display the list of checked out files in the folder.

View Properties

Display properties of the folder.


Refresh the contents of the folder and reflect all changes from the server.