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The project management feature in Adobe FrameMaker allows you create projects and manage all resources related to a project from a single place.

You can create a project and add all resources (such as files and folders) related to that project from different locations on your file system. You can easily drag-and-drop resources from your file system into the project window to add them to your project.

In this topic


The project management feature allows you to perform the following tasks with ease and help you to enhance your productivity:

Create a project

  1. Choose File > New > Project.

    The New Project dialog displays.

    Figure 1. New Project dialog
    New Project dialog in FrameMaker
  2. Enter the Name of the project.

    Note: By default, a new folder with the name of the project is created in the location that you selected to create the project. You can choose to name the project or the project folder differently.

Add a location and save a project

Once you have created a project, you need to add resources to your project. Typically, you would have stored all your project-related files at different places in you file system. You can add all those locations to your project to get a comprehensive view of the project.

Perform the following steps to add a location to your project:

  1. In the project window, click the Add Location icon.

  2. Browse to and select the location where your project resources are available.

    Note: By default, the location name is assigned the name of the destination folder. You can choose to specify a different name for the location.
  3. ( Optional) Specify the Name for the location.

  4. Click OK.

    The location gets added to your project. In the project window, you can see all resources available in the location that you added.

    Note: You can also add a location by dragging the required folder from Windows Explorer into the project window.
  5. Once you have made the required changes to your project, click the Save icon to save changes.

Open a Project

  1. Choose File > Open.

  2. Locate the project file. Click Open.

    Note: The extension of the project file is .fxpr.

Remove a location

If you would like to remove a location that is no longer required in your project, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the location that you want to remove.

  2. From the context menu, choose Remove.

    The location gets removed from your project. However, it is not deleted from your file system.

Delete a resource

The project window displays the resources (files and folders) from your file system. If you no longer need a resource (file), you can delete it from your project.

Important: Deleting a file from your project also deletes it from your file system. Therefore, you must use this feature with caution.

Perform the following steps to delete a resource from your project:

  1. Right-click the resource that you want to delete.

  2. From the context menu, choose Delete.

    In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

    The resource gets removed from your project and it is also deleted from your file system.

Work with the project window

The following image shows the project window:

Figure 2. Project window and its toolbar

A (Add Location)
Add a location to your project.
B (Create Folder)
Create a folder or sub-folder in a project. The folder that you create from the project window also gets created in your file system. Also, if you create a new folder or file manually in your file system, then FrameMaker updates the list automatically to reflect the changes in project window.
C (Save)
Save the currently open project.
D (Delete)
Use the delete button to delete the file or folder from the project. Note that if you choose to delete any file or folder from the project window, it gets deleted from the file system as well. However, if you choose to delete a location, it is only removed from the project and not from the file system.
E (Show File/Folder Paths)
Toggle between the Show File Path/ Show File Name to display the folder path or name of the resources within the project.

Additional features in the project window

Right-click on a project resource (location, folder, or file) to perform the following additional operations from the context menu.

Opens the selected file for editing. If the file is a valid FrameMaker file, then it is opened for editing in FrameMaker itself. Else, if the file is not recognize by FrameMaker, then the file is opened in the associated program for editing.
Opens the parent folder of the selected resource in Windows Explorer.
Allows you to rename the selected resource in the project.
Removes the selected location or deletes the selected file from the project. For more information, see Remove a location and Delete a resource.