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Print a book

Know how to print a book or selected book components with Adobe FrameMaker and understand the different printing options available.

In this topic


When you print a document, you can specify options such as how many copies to print and whether to print crop marks and registration marks. The available options vary slightly with the printer you are using.

If you have turned off graphics in the View Options dialog box, graphics do not appear in the printed document.

Tip: Before printing, update the book. Choose Edit > Update Book to update numberings, text insets, cross-references, OLE links, and Mini TOCs, the table of contents, indexes, and other generated lists, and optionally re-apply master pages.
Remember: In structured documents, element boundaries (either as brackets or as tags) are printable characters. Hide these boundaries before you print.

Print a complete FrameMaker book

To print a complete FrameMaker book, do the following:

  1. Open the book you want to print.

  2. Choose File > Print Book.

  3. Specify the printing options. Click Print.

Print specific files of a FrameMaker book

To print a only specific files of a FrameMaker book, do the following:

  1. Open the book you want to print.

  2. In the book panel, select the file or files you want to print.

  3. Choose File > Print Selected Files.

  4. Specify the printing options. Click Print.