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Books and long documents

Know what book files are and how they can be arranged in a setup as long documents in Adobe FrameMaker.

A book file contains the filenames of the documents that make up the book, such as chapters and appendixes, generated files such as a table of contents, and other books. The filename and location of each file are added to the book file and a link is established between the file and the book.

A book can also be organized into a hierarchical setup of related documents using folders and groups. Folders act as chapters, sections, or sub sections depending on their hierarchical level within a book. You can also include related books within a book to build a complex documentation set.

A book file contains pagination and numbering settings for each file in the book. During a book update, FrameMaker updates the numbering throughout the book and can create and update the generated files as well.

Although books can include non-FrameMaker documents, such as .mif or .txt files, their processing is different from .fm files.

Overview of the book building workflow in Adobe FrameMaker

  1. Create a book and add documents to it. These documents can be .fm, .xml, .mif, or even .book files.

  2. Organize your documents into folders or groups if necessary.

  3. Set up volume, chapter, page, and paragraph numbering.

  4. Add generated files, such as a TOC (Table Of Contents), list of tables or images, or an index.

  5. Update the book.

Note: A FrameMaker book references the documents included in the book. A document can therefore be included in multiple books.

Set up hierarchical books

In Adobe FrameMaker, you can create hierarchical books that can include multiple books. Files can be organized in folders or groups.

Hierarchical mixed FrameMaker book
Setting up hierarchical books in FrameMaker

A. Add a file to the book B. Add a folder in the book C. Add a group in the book D. Save the book file E. Delete a file from the book F. Update book G. Arrow keys to move book components H. Display file heading text. Icon changes to Display File Names on clicking. I. Search in a book J. Complete path of the book and book name K. Generated FrameMaker file – TOC L. .fm file M. Folder N. .xml files included in a book O. Group of files P. mif file in a group Q. Multiple sub-levels of folders R. Status bar for the book