Understand the Welcome Screen in FrameMaker, know the tasks that can be performed as per the relevant option chosen on the Welcome Screen.
FrameMaker displays a Welcome Screen based on the current mode.
The Welcome Screen provides options for performing a set of commonly required tasks as relevant to the current mode of FrameMaker.
Open a recent project or document
In FrameMaker mode: Create new project, documents, books
In Structured FrameMaker mode: Create DITA maps, DITA files, XML files, change DITA version
Browse for and open files
Create new CMS connection, open recent connection, browse files on remote locations using their URL
Access FrameMaker templates
Access FrameMaker learning resources
Access support, product updates, developer center, forums, marketing content
Restore the last session
You can also customize the Welcome Screen by rearranging or adding information on the Welcome Screen. The Welcome Screen customization is done by updating the welcome.html file which is available at the following location:
The Welcome Screen, as shown in the following figures, is displayed on launching FrameMaker in structured mode.
The Home view provides quick access to your recently worked documents, document templates, FrameMaker presets, and much more. FrameMaker also provides two new templates and samples - 'Modern Energy' and 'Ship Guide’.
The Recent Items panel appears and displays the recent files or projects only if you've worked on any documents recently. You can also pin your projects to add them to your favorites. The favorite projects will then appear on the top of the list.
The Welcome Screen appears by default when you launch FrameMaker. When you create a document or open an existing document, then the document appears in a tabbed window. At this time, the Welcome Screen also changes to a tabbed window. You can access the Welcome Screen by switching to the Welcome Screen’s tab.
While working, you might end up closing the Welcome Screen. To relaunch the Welcome Screen, select Show Welcome Screen from the Workspace switcher menu.