Home > Appendix > Keyboard shortcuts > Find and change

Find and change


Keyboard shortcut

Search forward

esc f i n

esc e shift+f



Search backward

esc f i p



Change current selection

esc r o

Change all occurrences of Find text in document

esc r g

Change and search again

esc r a

Change settings to As Is in Find Character Format and Change To Character Format dialogs


Change settings to match selected text in the Find Character Format and Change To Character Format dialogs


Display Set Find/Change Parameters dialog box

esc f i s


Text string

Tab symbol


Forced return


End-of-paragraph symbol


Start of paragraph


Nonbreaking space

\ (space)

Thin space

\i, \st


Text string

En space

\N, \sn

Em space

\M, \sm

Numeric space

\#, \s#

End-of-flow symbol


` (grave)


\ (backslash)


Discretionary hyphen


Nonbreaking hyphen


Suppress hyphenation symbol


Start of word


End of word


With Use Wildcards turned on …

Any number of characters


Spaces or punctuation

| (bar)

Any one character


The beginning of a line


The end of a line


Any one of the bracketed characters ab


Any character except ab


Any character from a to f
