Home > Appendix > Keyboard shortcuts > Editing objects > Object manipulation

Object manipulation


Keyboard shortcut

Move an object horizontally or vertically

Press and drag the object

Maintain an object’s proportions while resizing

Press and drag a corner handle

Pick up the properties of the currently selected object in the Tools palette

esc g shift+o

Or press and choose Pick up Object Properties from the Graphics menu

Display the reshape handle and control points for the line, polyline, polygon, or freehand curve currently selected

esc g r



Move the control point horizontally or vertically

Press and drag the control point

Change the curve on only one side of a reshape handle (crimp curve)

Drag the control point with the right mouse button

Run text around the contour of a selected graphic

esc g w

Run text around the bounding box of a selected graphic

esc g shift+w

Turn text runaround off for a selected graphic

esc g q

Quick-copy a selected object

Press alt and drag the object

Turn display of graphics off or on

esc v v

Add a reshape handle and control points

Press ctrl and click a line, polyline, polygon, or freehand curve with reshape handles and control points currently displayed

Delete a reshape handle

Press ctrl and click the reshape handle

Drag and drop between open or applications

Drag (ctrl-drag to copy)