Home > Appendix > Keyboard shortcuts > Editing objects > Object rotation

Object rotation


Keyboard shortcut

Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

esc g +

Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise

esc g -

Rotate precisely by using the Rotate Selected Objects dialog box

esc g t

Rotate again

esc g x

Return object to its unrotated orientation (zero degrees)

esc g 0

Rerotate object from its unrotated orientation to its previous orientation

esc g 1

Set the current orientation of an object as the new unrotated orientation

esc g 9

Rotate an object arbitrarily

Press alt and drag a corner or reshape handle

Constrain rotation to 45-degree increments

Press alt and drag a corner or reshape handle

Rotate a page clockwise

esc p shift+o

Rotate a page counterclockwise

esc p o

Unrotate a page

esc p shift+u