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Select objects

Learn how to select one or multiple objects using select tool, how to deselect an object in FrameMaker.

You can select objects that are on the same page or in the same graphic frame. When you select a graphic frame, any selected objects are deselected. When an object is selected, handles appear around it.

Smart Select tool

Allows you to place an insertion point or select text when the pointer is over text, and to select objects when the pointer is over an object. When the Smart Select tool is active, the pointer changes shape as you move it—to an I-beam I-beam over text or to a hollow arrow Arrow pointer over objects. In general, use the Smart Select tool as you work.

Object Select tool

Use the Select Object tool when you’re working with text lines and text frames as objects—for example, when you want to move or resize a text frame. When you click in text with the Select Object tool active, you select the text line or text frame as an object rather than put an insertion point in the text.

Note: After you draw an object, FrameMaker reverts to the Smart Select tool. If you want to keep the Select Object tool active after drawing an object, Shift-click the tool on the Tools panel.

Select an object or multiple objects

Do one of the following:

Deselect objects

Do one of the following: