Home > Graphics and objects > Anchored frames > Fill and edit anchored frames > Copy, move, or delete an anchored frame

Copy, move, or delete an anchored frame

Copy or move an anchored frame by using copy and paste

  1. Select the frame and choose Edit > Copy or Edit > Cut. You don’t need to select the anchor symbol.

  2. Click in text where you want to insert the frame and choose Edit > Paste. The anchor symbol appears at the insertion point when text symbols are visible. When working with a structured document, look at the Elements catalog before pasting to verify that the location is valid for graphic elements.

In some cases (for example, when a frame is positioned at the top or bottom of a column), the frame does not change position even though the anchor symbol moves. If you find it difficult to reposition a frame anchored to the outside of a rotated text frame or column, unrotate the text frame, position the anchored frame, and then rerotate the text frame.

Tip: If you’re working with a structured document, you can also drag a frame’s bubble in the Structure View to move the frame or Alt-drag the bubble to copy the frame.

Move an anchored frame without moving its anchor symbol

Do one of the following:

Some anchored frames cannot be moved without moving their anchor symbols. However, you can move a frame vertically when it’s anchored at the insertion point, outside the column of text, or outside the text frame. When a frame is anchored outside the column or text frame, you can’t move it above the top or below the bottom of the text frame.

Note: When you move a frame into a column, the text in the column doesn’t adjust to accommodate the frame. Use the Run into Paragraph anchoring position to move the frame completely inside the column and to run the text around the frame automatically. You can also change the paragraph indents to make room for the frame.

Move a frame’s anchor symbol

  1. Select the frame. You don’t need to select the anchor symbol.

  2. Choose Edit > Cut, click in text where you want to insert the anchor symbol, and choose Edit > Paste. The anchor symbol appears at the insertion point when text symbols are visible.

In some cases—for example, when the frame is positioned at the top or bottom of a column of text—the frame may not change position even though the anchor symbol moves.

Delete an anchored frame

Select the frame and press Delete.