Home > Editing content > Equations > Create equations > Create an equation in a graphic frame with other objects

Create an equation in a graphic frame with other objects

  1. Click the Equations button Equation button at the right side of the document window.

  2. Select a graphic frame or an object in a graphic frame.

  3. On the Equations panel, choose one of the New Equation commands from the Equations drop-down list. Small, Medium, and Large specify the font sizes used in the new equation.

    A new equation object appears as a question mark inside the frame. The first math element you insert replaces the question mark prompt.

    Figure 1. New equation object
    Equation in a graphic frame with other objects

  4. Insert the math elements in the equation by typing the elements or by clicking items on the Equations panel.

  5. To place the equation exactly where you want it, first select it by control-clicking the equation.

  6. Move the equation by doing one of the following:

    • Drag it with the mouse.

    • Move it with the arrow keys.

    • Position it precisely with the Graphics > Object Properties command.