Select an expression or place the insertion point in an equation.
Do any of the following:
To insert a math element by using the Equations panel, click the element.
To insert an alphanumeric character or a symbol that appears on the keyboard, type it. You can type parentheses, brackets, plus signs, equal signs, and so on. If you type an open parenthesis, FrameMaker inserts the closing parenthesis.
To insert an element by typing a backslash sequence, type
a backslash ( \ ) and the string that identifies the element, and
then press Return. For example, to insert the symbol for infinity ,
type\infty and press Return.
Insert a custom math element.
If an element
needs one or more operands, a question mark prompt appears for each operand; otherwise, an insertion
point appears. To move from one operand to another, press Tab.