Home > Graphics and objects > 3D and multimedia objects > 3D object part links > Create 3D links

Create 3D links

You can create 3D object links and link them to Specify Named Destination command or URL.

  1. Ensure that your document has Specify Named Destination hypertext. Specify Named Destination hypertext can exist either in the same document or in other documents.

  2. Right-click a 3D object and choose 3D Menu > Link to Text.

  3. In the Link to Text dialog, do the following:

    1. To insert a link, select a part of the 3D object, then select a Marker, and click Insert Link to Text.

    2. To delete a link, select a part name linked to a marker and click Delete Link to Text.

    3. To modify a link, select a part name linked to a marker, select a different marker, and click Update link to Text.

    4. To view linked parts, select Show Only Linked Parts. When you select a linked part, the linked marker is selected.

  4. Click OK.