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Insert links to an FLV file

See how you can Insert links to an FLV file in 3D objects in FrameMaker.

  1. Insert an FLV file in your document.

  2. Type text for creating the link.

  3. Choose Graphics > Multimedia > Create Link to Graphic.

  4. In the Create Multimedia Link dialog, specify the following:

    1. Select Object Type: Select FLV.

    2. Select an Object: Select the name of the object for which you want to insert the links. If there is only one object of the selected object type, FrameMaker selects the object name automatically.

    3. Hypertext Element Tag: If you are working in structured FrameMaker, specify the element for the hypertext for the links in the table.

    4. Link Type: For FLV, you can select the following:

      • Play: Plays the FLV video

      • Pause: Pauses the video

      • Rewind: Rewinds the video to the starting point

      • Nextcuepoint: Takes the video to the next cue point

      • Prevcuepoint: Takes the video to the previous cue point

      • Seek: Seek helps you select further options for creating defined points.

  5. If you have selected Seek in Link type, do one of the following:

    1. Defined Points: This option allows you to use the cue points embedded in the video itself.

    2. Create Point: This option allows you to create a seek point in the video. After selecting this option, play the video and click Create Link in the video window to insert a seek point.

  6. Select Insert.