Home > Editing content > Equations > Create equations > Create an inline equation

Create an inline equation

  1. Click in text where you want to insert the equation. If the text is in a rotated text frame, unrotate the frame first by selecting the rotated text frame and pressing Esc+g+0 (zero).

  2. Choose Insert > Equations, or click the Equations button Equationbutton at the right side of the document window.

  3. On the Equations panel, choose one of the New Equation commands from the Equations drop-down list. Small, Medium, and Large specify the font sizes used in the new equation.

    A new equation object appears as a question mark in a frame anchored below the line with the insertion point. The first math element that you insert replaces the question mark prompt.

    Figure 1. New inline equation
    Newequation object appearing as a question mark

  4. Insert the math elements in the equation by typing the elements or by clicking items on the Equations panel.

    Figure 2. Inserted elements
    Inserting mathelements in an equation

  5. Choose Shrink-Wrap Equation from the Equations drop-down list. This option shrinks the frame around the equation and places the equation in the line of text at the anchor symbol.

    Figure 3. Shrink-wrapped inline equation
    Shrinkan equation using Shrink-Wrap Equation option

  6. If the equation seems too close to the text on either side, insert a space before or after the frame. FrameMaker treats the frame that contains an inline equation as a character and doesn’t provide extra space around it.

  7. If the equation is too tall for the line, open up more space above or below the line. Use the Line Spacing drop-down list on the formatting bar to turn off fixed line spacing.