Home > Editing content > Equations > Create and define math elements > Adjust the spacing values for a math element wherever it appears

Adjust the spacing values for a math element wherever it appears

You can update some math element definitions—infix, prefix, postfix, large, scripts, and the division bar—with new spacing. When you do, FrameMaker adjusts the spacing around the element wherever it appears in the document and rewraps the equations.

You can also change the spread—the space between characters—uniformly in all small, medium, and large equations.

  1. After you adjust the spacing around the element in an equation, select the element.

  2. On the Equations panel, choose Update Definition from the Equations drop-down list.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To update the spacing for the element throughout the document, click Update.

    • To reset the spacing to the default, click Get Default.