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Rules drop-down list

Use the Rules drop-down list on the Functions page to store and apply rules that transform expressions.

For example, use Enter Rule to store a rule such as a = a + 3. Then use Apply Rule to substitute a + 3 for a in another expression.

Enter Rule

Stores a rule for substituting one expression for another. Select the expression you want to store as a rule before you choose Enter Rule. You can store only one rule at a time.

Designate Dummy

Designates a selected term to be a dummy variable. Use a dummy variable in a rule to substitute the expression on the right side of the rule for any variable, not just the variable explicitly named on the left. A dummy variable appears in boldface. For example, if you designate x in the rule x = a 2– as a dummy variable, you can substitute a 2– or x for any variable in an expression.

Select the term you want to be a dummy variable before you choose Designate Dummy. Then use the Apply Rule command to replace a selected expression with the expression assigned to the dummy variable.

Apply Rule

Substitutes one term or set of terms for another in a selected expression, using the rule stored with the Enter Rule command.

Rule entered

Rule enteredin the Enter Rule command

Selected expression

Selected expressionfor the Enter Rule command

After rule is applied

Result afterthe rule is applied

Before you apply a rule that contains a dummy variable, select the term you want the variable to replace. In the following example, x is the dummy variable in the rule.

Rule entered

Rule enteredin the Enter Rule command with a dummy variable

Before rule is applied

Selectedexpression for the Enter Rule command with a dummy variable

After rule is applied

Result afterthe rule is applied with a dummy variable