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Insert symbols

The Symbols page on the Equations panel contains the Greek alphabet, other symbols, and diacritical marks.

The Symbols page doesn’t include Greek letters that have Roman-alphabet equivalents, such as the uppercase alpha (A). The following examples show the result of clicking Pisymbol on the Symbols page.

Before clicking

After clicking

Clickingsymbol with insertion point at the end of the expression

Symbol isadded after number 7 in the expression

Clickingsymbol after selecting the expression

Result ofclicking symbol after selecting the expression

Diacritical marks appear on the element to the left of the insertion point or on the selected expression. Click the dot or prime button once for each dot or prime diacritical mark you want to insert.

Note: To interpret and mathematically manipulate a summation, product, or partial differential element, insert the element from the Large page or Calculus page. Do not insert from the Symbols page. Elements from the Symbols page are not evaluated.