Home > Editing content > Equations > Set line breaks and align equations > Align equations along a point

Align equations along a point

  1. Set the manual alignment point in one of the equations to align.

    If you don’t set a manual alignment point, FrameMaker aligns an equation on the left.

  2. Click in the equation and choose Graphics > Object Properties.

  3. Choose Manual from the Alignment drop-down list and specify the location of the alignment point within the frame in the Alignment Point Offset area. The left offset is the distance from the left edge of the frame to the manual alignment point.

    Specifying the top offset precisely is unnecessary. You can move the equation up or down later, just as you do any other object.

  4. Click Set.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each equation you want to align. Use the same distance from the left edge for each equation, but change the top offset to position the equation vertically in the frame. If the equations you’re aligning are in different anchored frames, make sure that the left edges align with one another.