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Undo and Redo commands

Know the undo and redo commands in FrameMaker.

A Redo icon Redo button appears in the toolbar, next to the Undo icon Undo button. Click this button to redo the most recently undone action in the current document.

A Redo command also appears in the Edit menu and in context menus, under the Undo command, showing the most recent redoable command in the current document.

Figure 1. The Edit menu displays the last command as well as the last command that has been undone.
Edit menu in FrameMaker

If no action is available for Undo or Redo in the current document, the corresponding menu options and toolbar buttons are unavailable (dimmed).

Choosing View > Undo History or pressing ctrl+K opens the command Undo History panel, which allows you to undo or redo an action other than the most recent one, along with all of the subsequent actions.