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Preview a document with track text edits

Understand how you can preview a document with track text edits in FrameMaker.

Before you accept all text edits, preview the final document to see how the text edits are incorporated in the document. You can also preview the original document without the text edits highlighted in the document.

Preview operations can also be done on all/selected documents of the book or DITA map by selecting the appropriate scope.

When you preview a document with text edits, the document display switches from the Tracking mode to the Preview mode. In the Preview mode, avoid making non-trackable changes to your document. For example, do not edit or apply conditions to text in the Preview mode. Such changes are not tracked and you may get an unexpected result in the final document.

By default, the preview of a tracked document is turned off.

Note: When you select the Preview Final or Preview Original option for the first time in your document, the Preview Off option is enabled. You can’t undo the Preview Final or Preview Original command in a document.