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Domains and constraints in the OASIS specification

OASIS distributes grammar files for a set of domains and constraints.

A designation of (map) after the domain name indicates that the domain only specializes map elements; a designation of (topic) indicates that the domain specializes elements that are only available in topic or that it can only be used in topics. A designation of (map/topic) indicates that the domain specializes elements that are common to both maps and topics, so could be used in either even if it is generally intended for one or the other. Attribute domains can always be used in both topics and maps.

Table 1. Base domains
Domain Description Short name
Classify (map) For associating content in a map with subjects in a subject scheme. classify-d
Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) For delaying resolution of @conref or @keyref on some elements. delay-d
@deliveryTarget attribute Attribute for filtering based on delivery target. N/A
Ditavalref (map) For filtering a branch of a map. ditavalref-d
Hazard statements (map/topic) For providing detailed information about safety hazards. hazard-d
Highlighting (map/topic) For highlighting when the appropriate semantic element does not exist yet. hi-d
Indexing (map/topic) For extended indexing functions such as see and see-also. indexing-d
Map group (map) Utility elements for use in maps. mapgroup-d
Utilities (map/topic) For providing imagemaps, sort keys, and other useful structures. ut-d
Table 2. Technical content domains
Domain Description Short name
Abbreviated form (map/topic) For linking between a text reference to a <glossentry> topic. A specialization of <term> to provide an <abbreviated-form> element. abbrev-d
Equation (map/topic) For containing equations and providing an integration point for MathML. equation-d
Glossary reference (map) For linking from a term to its glossary topic. glossref-d
Markup (map/topic) For describing markup. markup-d
MathML (map/topic) For containing MathML markup. mathml-d
Programming (map/topic) For describing programming and programming languages. pr-d
Release management (map/topic) For describing release management metadata. relmgmt-d
Software (map/topic) For describing software. sw-d
SVG (map/topic) For enabling use of SVG markup within DITA documents. svg-d
Task requirements (topic) For machinery tasks. taskreq-d
User interface (map/topic) For describing elements in a user interface. ui-d
XML mention (map/topic) For describing XML constructions. xml-d
xNAL (map/topic) For name and addressing metadata based on the xNAL standard. xnal-d
Table 3. Technical content constraints
Constraint Description
Machinery task body For constraining <taskbody> in the machinery task.
Strict task body For constraining <taskbody> in the strict task.
Table 4. Learning and training domains
Domain Description Short name
Learning (map/topic) For constructing questions and responses (deprecated design). learning-d
Learning 2 (map/topic) For constructing questions and responses (updated design). learning2-d
Learning interaction base (map/topic) Base elements for specializing more complex learning domains (deprecated design). learningInteractionBase-d
Learning interaction base 2 (map/topic) Base elements for specializing more complex learning domains (updated design). learningInteractionBase2-d
Learning metadata (map/topic) For metadata specific to learning contexts. learningmeta-d
Learning map (map) For organizing groups of topics as learning objects. learningmap-d
Table 5. Learning and training constraints
Constraint Description
Learning aggregation <topicref> constraint For limiting mapgroup to non-navigation elements in learning maps.
No learning1 constraint Removes deprecated learning1 elements
No learning2 constraint Removes learning2 elements