Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Technical content elements > Technical-content domains elements > XML mention domain > textentity


Use the <textentity> element to identify mentions of XML text entities, for example, "&xml-d-att;". This element enables more precise semantic searching of the DITA source; it also enables distinct formatting, such as adding an ampersand (&) as a leading character and a semi-colon (;) as a trailing character. The content of the <textentity> element should be the entity name without the ampersand and semi-colon delimiters. This element is part of the XML mention domain.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


+ topic/keyword markup-d/markupname xml-d/textentity p


The <textentity>hi-d-att</textentity> entity holds the contribution for the 
<xmlatt>domains</xmlatt> attribute.


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, outputclass, and @keyref.