Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Learning and training elements > Learning and training: map domain elements > learningContentComponentRef


Use a <learningContentComponentRef> element to include a topic reference to a topic that acts as a subtopic of a <learningContent> topic.

The learning and training architecture defines the child topics of <learningObject> as being atomic units of presentation. However, these topics might include subordinate topics. The <learningContentComponentRef> reference can be used to refer to any topic type. The presentation intent is that such topics are presented as integral parts of their parent topics. This intent is reflected in the default @chunk attribute value of "to-content" for the elements <learningContentRef>, <learningOverviewRef>, <learningPlanRef>, <learningPreAssessmentRef>, and <learningPostAssessmentRef>.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


+ map/topicref learningmap-d/learningContentRef


See learningObject.


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, Link relationship attribute group (with narrowed definitions of @href and @format, given below), Attributes common to many map elements (without the @collection-type attribute), Topicref element attributes group, outputclass, @keys, and @keyref.

A pointer to the resource represented by the <topicref>. See The href attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications. References to DITA content cannot be below the topic level: that is, you cannot reference individual elements inside a topic. References to content other than DITA topics should use the @format attribute to identify the kind of resource being referenced.
On this element, the @format attribute has a default value of "dita", because it usually links to DITA learning topics. If linking to something other than DITA, set the @format attribute as described in The format attribute.