Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Learning and training elements > Learning and training: interactions domain elements > Top level interactions elements > lcSequencing2


A <lcSequencing2> interaction asks the learner to arrange a list of choices into a predefined order, such as small to large. This element replaces the <lcSequencing> element in DITA 1.2.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


+ topic/div learningInteractionBase2-d/lcInteractionBase2 learning2-d/lcSequencing2


        <lcInteractionLabel2>Sequencing City Populations in the U.S.</lcInteractionLabel2>
        <lcQuestion2>Order the following U.S. cities according to population, from
          largest to smallest.</lcQuestion2>
            <lcAnswerContent2>Portland, Oregon</lcAnswerContent2>
            <lcSequence2 name="lcSequence2" value="2"/>
            <lcAnswerContent2>Chicago, Illinois</lcAnswerContent2>
            <lcSequence2 name="lcSequence2" value="1"/>
            <lcAnswerContent2>Portland, Maine</lcAnswerContent2>
            <lcSequence2 name="lcSequence2" value="4"/>
            <lcAnswerContent2>Syracuse, New York</lcAnswerContent2>
            <lcSequence2 name="lcSequence2" value="3"/>
        <lcFeedbackIncorrect2>No, try again, please.     </lcFeedbackIncorrect2>
        <lcFeedbackCorrect2>Very good.</lcFeedbackCorrect2>


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.