Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Metadata elements > Prolog (metadata) elements > permissions


The <permissions> element in a topic's metadata specifies the level of entitlement needed to access the content.

The <permissions> element indicates any preferred controls for access to content.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


- topic/permissions


  <permissions view="entitled"/>


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and the attribute defined below.

Defines the classifications of viewers allowed to view the document. Beginning with DITA 1.2, values in this attribute are not limited to a small number of choices; the following values were used in DITA 1.0 and DITA 1.1, and are still provided as sample values:
For internal use only.
For a certain group, only.
The world.
Special folks, only.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.