Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Classification elements > Subject scheme elements > elementdef


The <elementdef> element identifies an element to which an attribute is bound. If the <enumerationdef> element does not contain an <elementdef> element, the enumeration is bound to the attribute in all elements.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


- topic/data subjectScheme/elementdef


In this example, the @value attribute for the <lomDifficulty> element is bound to a specified set of values. Processors should limit the values for the @value attribute on the <lomDifficulty> element to the following set of values: easy, medium, or difficult. Other elements that have a @value attribute are not affected.

  <subjectdef keys="difficulty">
    <subjectdef keys="easy"/>
    <subjectdef keys="medium"/>
    <subjectdef keys="difficult"/>
  <!-- ... -->
    <elementdef name="lomDifficulty"/>
    <attributedef name="value"/>
    <subjectdef keyref="difficulty"/>


The following attributes are available on this element: ID attribute group, @status and @base from Metadata attribute group, outputclass, Debug attribute group, class (Not for use by authors), and the attributes defined below.

@name (REQUIRED)
Defines the element for which an attribute enumeration is defined.
Indicates whether the content of the element should be translated or not. For this element the default value is "no". Setting to "yes" will override the default. The DITA architectural specification contains a list of each OASIS DITA element and its common processing default for the translate value; because this element uses an actual default, it will always be treated as translate="no" unless overridden as described. Available values are:
The content of this element is not translateable.
The content of this element is translateable.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.