Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Attributes
This section collects commonly used attributes, with common definitions. If an element uses a different definition, or narrows the scope of, an otherwise common attribute, it will be called out in the topic that defines the element.
and <map>
. These attributes are intended to provide information about the DITA namespace, what level of DITA is in use, and what vocabulary modules are in use.@toc
or @format
; in those cases the element definition will clarify that the element does not use this full set. That is generally done in order to specify a default for one attribute, such as defaulting @format
to "ditamap" on the <mapref>
element, and are reused on most or all specializations of the <data>
element and <simpletable>
specializations. These attributes are not defined for the OASIS exchange table (<table>
element, and are reused on most or all specializations of the <topicref>