For DITA 1.3, the OASIS DITA TC failed to update the constraint for the machinery task.
In this scenario, an information architect corrects that oversight; she makes the (new for DITA
1.3) <tasktroubleshooting>
element available in the body of the machinery
element and make it
available at the correct place within the task body. (Her modifications are highlighted in bold
below.)<!ENTITY taskbody-constraints
"(topic task+taskreq-d machineryTaskbody-c)"
<!ENTITY % prelreqs "prelreqs">
<!ENTITY % context "context">
<!ENTITY % section "section">
<!ENTITY % steps "steps">
<!ENTITY % steps-unordered "steps-unordered">
<!ENTITY % steps-informal "steps-informal">
<!ENTITY % result "result">
<!ENTITY % tasktroubleshooting "tasktroubleshooting">
<!ENTITY % example "example">
<!ENTITY % closereqs "closereqs">
<!ENTITY % taskbody.content
"((%prelreqs; |
%context; |
(%steps; |
%steps-unordered; |