Access API documentation

You can access the complete API documentation from FMPS user interface. To access the documentation, perform the following steps:

  1. Access the FMPS web interface by entering the following URL in your browser:


    Note: <FMPS_Server> is the DNS or IP address of the system hosting FMPS. The default port is 7000.
  2. Click Settings ()

    The Settings dialog appears.

  3. In the Settings dialog, click on the (highlighted) API documentation link.

    Note: You can also access the API documentation by entering http[s]://<FMPS_server>:<port>/documentation/index.html URL in your browser.
    Access the API documentation

  4. The FMPS API documentation is launched in a new tab.

    FMPS API documentation

    From the left navigation panel, click on the API that you want to view. The right (body) area displays the API details.

May 30, 2024

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