The following REST APIs are available for working with publishing tasks.
A POST method that creates a new publishing task. A task can be created using the preconfigured output presets, such as PDF, ePub, Responsive HTML5, and more, or a custom preset. To create a task with custom preset, you must have the settings file and DITAVAL (optional) file IDs before creating a task. Use the Upload an STS file and Upload a DITAVAL file APIs to upload the settings and DITAVAL files and get the file IDs.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | A unique name of the task that you want to create. |
Input | JSON | Contains the path of the file to publish and parameters to configure the book components. In case the input files are hosted on a CMS, then the connector settings are also included in the Input parameter. |
PrePublish | JSON | Path of the script file to execute during the prepublish process. |
PostPublish | JSON | Path of the script file or commands to execute after the publishing process completes. |
LogInfo | JSON | Specify the information to capture in the log file for the current task. |
Outputs | JSON | Contains the path to publish the output, the
output format, and the preset ID to use. In case the output is to
be stored on a CMS, then the login credentials for the CMS are also
included in the Outputs parameter. If you
are using GUID-based file system, then you must configure the |
Notification | JSON | Specify an email ID on which the notification email is sent. |
The following JSON request is for creating a task with the preconfigured output presets.
"Name": "SamePresetMultiOut4322",
"FMServerTask": {
"Version": 16,
"Jobs": [
"Input": {
"InputFile": "C:\\Sample\\Books\\Special\\",
"UpdateBook": {
"UpdateOLELinks": "NO",
"UpdateTextInsets": "NO",
"UpdateNumbering": "NO",
"UpdateXrefs": "NO",
"ApplyMasterPages": "NO",
"UpdateGeneratableComponents": "NO"
"PrePublish": {
"ExtendScript": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"prePublishid": ""
"PostPublish": {
"SystemCommand": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"postPublishid": ""
"LogInfo": {
"SupportedEncodings": "NO",
"AvailableFontFamilies": "NO",
"NumberofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"EmptyBookError": "NO",
"NumberofIndexMarkersPresent": "NO",
"ListofReferencedGraphics": "NO",
"ListofMissingGraphics": "NO",
"UnresolvedXrefInBook": "NO",
"UnresolvedTextRefInBook": "NO",
"ListofFilesInBook": "NO",
"ListofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"ListofGeneratableFilesInBook": "NO",
"NumberofAuthorMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHF1Markers": "NO",
"NumberofHF2Markers": "NO",
"NumberofCommentMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofSubjectMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofGlossaryMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofEquationMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHyperTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofCrossRefMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofConditionalTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHTMLMacroMarkers": "NO"
"Outputs": [
"OutputFile": "Z:\\SamePresetMultiOut32323\\Responsive",
"OutputFormat": "RH_RESPONSIVEHELP",
"Configuration": {
"presetid": "2346453767sfgfddfhfgdhfdgh"
"OutputFile": "Z:\\SamePresetMultiOut65646464\\html",
"OutputFormat": "RH_BASICHTML",
"Configuration": {
"presetid": "gfsdsdhfghdhhgd"
"OutputFile": "Z:\\SamePresetMultiOut543534543542\\pdf",
"OutputFormat": "FM_PDF",
"Configuration": {
"presetid": "235542352354235234sgsdg"
"Notification": {
"Emails": ""
The following JSON request is for creating a task with the custom output presets.
"Name": "testcustompreset",
"_id": null,
"runtaskid": "",
"FMServerTask": {
"Version": 16,
"Jobs": [{
"Input": {
"InputFile": "/content/dam/testfm/Samples/UserGuide/",
"Connector": {
"ConnectorType": "Adobe Experience Manager",
"Server": "",
"UserField1": "crx.default",
"UserName": "",
"Password": "",
"id": ""
"UpdateBook": {
"UpdateOLELinks": "NO",
"UpdateTextInsets": "NO",
"UpdateNumbering": "NO",
"UpdateXrefs": "NO",
"ApplyMasterPages": "NO",
"UpdateGeneratableComponents": "NO"
"PrePublish": {
"ExtendScript": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"prePublishid": ""
"PostPublish": {
"SystemCommand": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"postPublishid": ""
"LogInfo": {
"SupportedEncodings": "NO",
"AvailableFontFamilies": "NO",
"NumberofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"EmptyBookError": "NO",
"NumberofIndexMarkersPresent": "NO",
"ListofReferencedGraphics": "NO",
"ListofMissingGraphics": "NO",
"UnresolvedXrefInBook": "NO",
"UnresolvedTextRefInBook": "NO",
"ListofFilesInBook": "NO",
"ListofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"ListofGeneratableFilesInBook": "NO",
"NumberofAuthorMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHF1Markers": "NO",
"NumberofHF2Markers": "NO",
"NumberofCommentMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofSubjectMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofGlossaryMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofEquationMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHyperTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofCrossRefMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofConditionalTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHTMLMacroMarkers": "NO"
"Outputs": [{
"OutputFile": "/content/dam/fmdita-outputs",
"Connector": {
"ConnectorType": "Adobe Experience Manager",
"Server": "",
"UserField1": "crx.default",
"UserName": "",
"Password": "",
"id": ""
"OutputFormat": "FM_PDF",
"Configuration": {
"PresetName": "Custom",
"PresetType": "PDF",
"FM_PDFConfiguration": {
"DitaValFile": "ProductA_Administrator.ditaval",
"SettingsFile": "Default.sts",
"stsfileid": "5f083bb493655a1fc060f5d4",
"ditavalid": "5f083bb593655a1fc060f5d5"
"presetid": ""
"Notification": {
"Emails": ""
"Schedule": {
"_id": null
The following JSON request is for creating a task using the input files available on a CMS.
"Name": "AEM Task1",
"_id": null,
"runtaskid": "",
"FMServerTask": {
"Version": 16,
"Jobs": [
"Input": {
"InputFile": "/content/dam/testfm/Samples/PartsCatalog/",
"Connector": {
"ConnectorType": "Adobe Experience Manager",
"Server": "AEMHOST",
"UserField1": "crx.default",
"UserName": "AEMUSER",
"Password": "AEMPASS",
"id": ""
"UpdateBook": {
"UpdateOLELinks": "NO",
"UpdateTextInsets": "NO",
"UpdateNumbering": "NO",
"UpdateXrefs": "NO",
"ApplyMasterPages": "NO",
"UpdateGeneratableComponents": "NO"
"PrePublish": {
"ExtendScript": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"prePublishid": ""
"PostPublish": {
"SystemCommand": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"postPublishid": ""
"LogInfo": {
"SupportedEncodings": "NO",
"AvailableFontFamilies": "NO",
"NumberofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"EmptyBookError": "NO",
"NumberofIndexMarkersPresent": "NO",
"ListofReferencedGraphics": "NO",
"ListofMissingGraphics": "NO",
"UnresolvedXrefInBook": "NO",
"UnresolvedTextRefInBook": "NO",
"ListofFilesInBook": "NO",
"ListofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"ListofGeneratableFilesInBook": "NO",
"NumberofAuthorMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHF1Markers": "NO",
"NumberofHF2Markers": "NO",
"NumberofCommentMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofSubjectMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofGlossaryMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofEquationMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHyperTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofCrossRefMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofConditionalTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHTMLMacroMarkers": "NO"
"Outputs": [
"OutputFile": "/content/dam/fmdita-outputs",
"Connector": {
"ConnectorType": "Adobe Experience Manager",
"Server": "AEMHOST",
"UserField1": "crx.default",
"UserName": "AEMUSER",
"Password": "AEMPASS",
"id": ""
"OutputFormat": "FM_PDF",
"Configuration": {
"presetid": "PresetId"
"Notification": {
"Emails": ""
"Schedule": {
"_id": null
The following JSON request is for creating a task and scheduling the execution time.
"Name": "ScheduledTask",
"_id": null,
"runtaskid": "",
"FMServerTask": {
"Version": 16,
"Jobs": [{
"Input": {
"InputFile": "E:\\HTMLBUGS\\",
"UpdateBook": {
"UpdateOLELinks": "NO",
"UpdateTextInsets": "NO",
"UpdateNumbering": "NO",
"UpdateXrefs": "NO",
"ApplyMasterPages": "NO",
"UpdateGeneratableComponents": "NO"
"PrePublish": {
"ExtendScript": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"prePublishid": ""
"PostPublish": {
"SystemCommand": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"postPublishid": ""
"LogInfo": {
"SupportedEncodings": "NO",
"AvailableFontFamilies": "NO",
"NumberofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"EmptyBookError": "NO",
"NumberofIndexMarkersPresent": "NO",
"ListofReferencedGraphics": "NO",
"ListofMissingGraphics": "NO",
"UnresolvedXrefInBook": "NO",
"UnresolvedTextRefInBook": "NO",
"ListofFilesInBook": "NO",
"ListofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"ListofGeneratableFilesInBook": "NO",
"NumberofAuthorMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHF1Markers": "NO",
"NumberofHF2Markers": "NO",
"NumberofCommentMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofSubjectMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofGlossaryMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofEquationMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHyperTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofCrossRefMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofConditionalTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHTMLMacroMarkers": "NO"
"Outputs": [{
"OutputFile": "E:\\HTMLBUGS\\OUT",
"OutputFormat": "FM_PDF",
"Configuration": {
"PresetName": "test1597120516",
"PresetType": "PDF",
"presetid": "5f322004900d1e21a89e92de"
"Notification": {
"Emails": ""
"MetaInfo": {
"Creator": "{\"username\":\"fmpsuser\",\"email\":\"\",\"userType\":\"ADMIN\"}"
"Schedule": {
"_id": null,
"Daily": {
"StartDate": {
"Year": 2022,
"Month": "DEC",
"DayofMonth": 16
"Time": {
"Hour": 9,
"Minute": 15,
"AMPM": "AM"
"Interval": 1
The following JSON request is for creating
a task using the preconfigured output presets to generate PDF output.
If you are integrating with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), which
uses GUID-based file naming convention, then you must configure
the PublishedFileName
option. If you do not specify
the file name, then FMPS will generate the PDF using the same GUID
as the source file, which will result in deletion of the source
file. While specifying the PublishedFileName
you don’t need to specify the file extension, which defaults to .pdf.
The PublishedFileName
is optional for systems that do not use GUID-based file naming convention.
"Name": "Publish PDF GUID AEM",
"FMServerTask": {
"Version": 16,
"Jobs": [
"Input": {
"InputFile": "C:\\Samples\\UserGuide\\",
"UpdateBook": {
"UpdateOLELinks": "NO",
"UpdateTextInsets": "NO",
"UpdateNumbering": "NO",
"UpdateXrefs": "NO",
"ApplyMasterPages": "NO",
"UpdateGeneratableComponents": "NO"
"PrePublish": {
"ExtendScript": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"prePublishid": ""
"PostPublish": {
"SystemCommand": {
"ScriptFile": ""
"postPublishid": ""
"LogInfo": {
"SupportedEncodings": "NO",
"AvailableFontFamilies": "NO",
"NumberofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"EmptyBookError": "NO",
"NumberofIndexMarkersPresent": "NO",
"ListofReferencedGraphics": "NO",
"ListofMissingGraphics": "NO",
"UnresolvedXrefInBook": "NO",
"UnresolvedTextRefInBook": "NO",
"ListofFilesInBook": "NO",
"ListofChaptersInBook": "NO",
"ListofGeneratableFilesInBook": "NO",
"NumberofAuthorMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHF1Markers": "NO",
"NumberofHF2Markers": "NO",
"NumberofCommentMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofSubjectMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofGlossaryMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofEquationMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHyperTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofCrossRefMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofConditionalTextMarkers": "NO",
"NumberofHTMLMacroMarkers": "NO"
"Outputs": [
"OutputFile": "C:\\FMPS\\output",
"PublishedFileName": "samplePublishedFile",
"OutputFormat": "FM_PDF",
"Configuration": {
"presetid": "6011f0bc301fb91fa0e0e97c"
"Notification": {
"Emails": ""
"Creator": "{\"username\":\"fmpsuser\",\"email\":\"\",\"userType\":\"ADMIN\"}"
"Schedule": {
"Once": {
"Date": {
"Year": 2021,
"Month": "MAR",
"DayofMonth": 8
"Time": {
"Hour": 1,
"Minute": 15,
"AMPM": "PM"
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the newly created task’s object.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A DELETE method that deletes a task using the task’s ID.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique ID of the task that you want to delete. |
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the deleted task’s object.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A GET method that retrieves all tasks available in the system.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with an array of all task objects.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A GET method that retrieves an existing task using its unique ID.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique ID of the task that you want to retrieve. |
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the task’s object.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A GET method that retrieves the status of an existing task created by a specific user.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
taskid | String | The unique ID of the task that you want to retrieve. |
userid | String | The unique ID of the user who has created the task. |
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the status of the retrieved task.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A GET method that retrieves the status of a running task.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
runid | String | The unique ID of the task whose status you want to retrieve. |
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the running
status of the retrieved task. The status could have the following
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A PUT method that updates a task using its task ID.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "application/json",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique ID of the task that you want to update. |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | A unique name of the task that you want to update. Note: The name of the task cannot be updated.
Input | JSON | Contains the path of the file to publish and parameters to configure the book components. In case the input files are hosted on a CMS, then the connector settings are also included in the Input parameter. |
PrePublish | JSON | Path of the script file to execute during the prepublish process. |
PostPublish | JSON | Path of the script file or commands to execute after the publishing process completes. |
LogInfo | JSON | Specify the information to capture in the log file for the current task. |
Outputs | JSON | Contains the path to publish the output, the output format, and the preset ID to use. In case the output is to be stored on a CMS, then the login credentials for the CMS are also included in the Outputs parameter. |
Notification | JSON | Specify the email ID on which the notification email is sent. |
Refer to the example given under Create a task.
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the updated task’s object.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A POST method that uploads a post-publish script file to use in a task. Once the file is uploaded, you can use the file’s ID in a task to associate with the corresponding task.
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "multipart/form-data",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
file |
form-data | Path of the file that you want to upload and execute in the post-publish process. |
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the post-publish script file’s object.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |
A POST method that uploads a prepublish script file use in a task. Once the file is uploaded, you can use the file’s ID in a task to associate with the corresponding task.
http://<FMPS_server>:<port>/v16/tasks /pre/upload
Name | Type | Description |
content-type |
String | Type of content that is sent in the request. |
X-Access-Token |
String | The authentication token that is sent in the request. |
"content-type": "multipart/form-data",
"X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name | Type | Description |
file |
form-data | Path of the file that you want to upload and execute in the prepublish process. |
Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the prepublish script file’s object.
Code | Type | Description |
400 |
String | A bad request is sent. |