REST API for user management

The following REST APIs are available for managing user and their permissions in FMPS.

Register a new user

A POST method that registers a new user, and can only be used when typeOfAuth is set as USERLOGIN in development.json. Only a user with administrative privileges can register other users.

Request URL


Name Type Description
content-type String Type of content that is sent in the request.
X-Access-Token String The authentication token that is sent in the request. This must be of another user with administrative privileges.
Header example
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"

The authorization header must also contain the basic authentication type authorization containing credentials (email and password) of the user who is to be registered. For example:

Authorization: Basic YWJjZEBhZG9iZS5jb206YWJjZA==
Request body
Name Type Description
email JSON An email ID with which the user account is created.
JSON body example
Successful response

Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the user object.

Error response
Code Type Description
400 String A bad request is sent.
406 String The request is not acceptable
409 String User with the same credentials is already present.

Change user permission

A PUT method that changes the user permissions. There are two types of user permissions: USER and ADMIN. Only a user with ADMIN permissions can invoke this API.

To assign administrative permissions to your default (first) LDAP user, you will have to use the MongoDB’s command-line tool. See Install and configure MongoDB for more details.

Request URL


Name Type Description
content-type String Type of content that is sent in the request.
X-Access-Token String The authentication token that is sent in the request. This must be of another user with administrative permissions.
Header example
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-Access-Token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKhjshjafakjfkadfas"
Name Type Description
id String The user ID of a user whose has to be granted administrative permissions.
Parameter example
Request body
Name Type Description
userPermission String The type of permission that you want to assign to the user. Use ADMIN for administrative permissions, and USER for non-administrative permissions.
JSON body example
"userPermission": "ADMIN"
Successful response

Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the user object.

Error response
Code Type Description
400 String A bad request is sent.
422 String The request is sent with incorrect data.

User login with USERLOGIN authentication

A POST method that logs the user into the system when USERLOGIN authentication mechanism is used.

Request URL


Name Type Description
content-type String Type of content that is sent in the request.
X-Access-Token String The authentication token that is sent in the request.
Authorization String A USERLOGIN (basic) authentication type authorization header containing credentials (email and password) of the user that wants to login.
Header example
{  "content-type": "application/json",}

The authorization header must also contain the basic authentication type authorization containing credentials (email and password) of the user who wants to login. For example:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWVAYWRvYmUuY29tOnBhc3N3b3Jk
Successful response

Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the user’s access token.

Error response
Code Type Description
400 String A bad request is sent.
403 String Access not granted.
406 String The request is not acceptable.

User login with LDAP authentication

A POST method that logs the user into the system when LDAP authentication mechanism is used.

Request URL


Name Type Description
content-type String Type of content that is sent in the request.
Authorization String A USERLOGIN (basic) authentication type authorization header containing credentials (email and password) of the user that wants to login.
Header example
{  "content-type": "application/json",}

The authorization header must also contain the basic authentication type authorization header containing credentials (email and password) of the user who wants to login. For example:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWVAYWRvYmUuY29tOnBhc3N3b3Jk
Successful response

Returns a HTTP 200 (Successful) response with the user’s access token.

Error response
Code Type Description
400 String A bad request is sent.
401 String Use is not authorized.
406 String The request is not acceptable.

May 30, 2024

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