Configure the server component

The system where you have deployed the server component contains the files and folders required to configure and launch the server. The typical process of configuring the launching the server component involves the following steps:

  1. Stop the server component

  2. Configure the server_url.txt file

  3. Configure the development.json file

  4. Launch the server using the run.bat file

The following sections will guide you through the above-mentioned steps.

Stop the server component

Before you start making configuration changes in the server component, ensure that the server component is not running. If the server component is running on your system, you will see a command prompt window with “FMPS” title as shown below:

To stop the server component, simply close the command prompt window with “FMPS” title by clicking on the “X” icon.

Configure the server_url.txt file

The server_url.txt file contains the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and port of the system where your server component is deployed. The default location of server_url.txt file is:

\Program Files\Adobe\AdobeFrameMakerPublishingServer 2022\server\server_url.txt

You can open this file in a text editor and provide your server’s host name and port information in the following format:


Note: By default, when you complete the installation process, the FQDN of the server machine is fetched and entered in the server_url.txt file. However, if the installation process is not able to get the FQDN, then localhost is added in the server_url.txt file, which should be manually updated with FQDN.

Configure the development.json file

The development.json file contains most of the configurable settings for FrameMaker Publishing Server. It allows you to configure the MongoDB settings, user credentials for default users, logging information, and much more.

The following snippet of the development.json file highlights the configuration settings that you can modify as per your deployment setup.

Important: The ANONYMOUS login type for the typeOfAuth setting is deprecated. It is recommended to use other supported authentication methods.
   "FMPS": {
      "dbConfig": {
         "MONGO_HOST": "localhost",   //The hostname of MongoDB server. Default is localhost.
         "MONGO_PORT": 27017,   //The port where MongoDB is listening. Default is 27017.
         "dbName": "stubFM",
         "dbNameLog4j": "logs",
         "dbNameQueue": "stubFM_Queue",
         "username": "fmadmin", //Basic username and password that is created to access MongoDB.
         "password": "fmadmin",
         "authMechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-1",   //Authentication mechanism to use to connect with MongoDB. For version 4.x, you can choose from SCRAM-SHA-1 or none.
         "authSource": "admin",
         "SCHEMA_VERSION": 16, //This is used to identify the schema. Please Do Not Change.",
         "defaultUser": "fmpsuser",    //Default username and password to access FMPS as an Administrator. 
         "defaultPassword": "fmpsuser", 
         "defaultEmail": "", //Default email ID to send notifications. You must replace it with a valid email ID.
         "LogQueue": "logqueue",
         "LogMonQueue": "logmongoqueue",
         "MaxNoOfLogs": "5", //Maximum number of task logs that are returned by the API.
         "logLevel": "INFO"// Level of logs to maintain. Supported values are: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. By default INFO level logs are enabled. 
"webConfig": {
            "apiVersion": "v16", // This is used to identify the API versions. Please Do Not Change
         "host": "localhost", // The hostname of the server where FMPS is deployed. If FMPS is started by executing the run.bat file, then the value of this setting is picked from the server_url.txt file. Else, you need to change it manually.     
         "port": 7000, // The port where FMPS is listening. If FMPS is started by executing the run.bat file, then the value of this setting is picked from the server_url.txt file. Else, you need to change it manually.
         "sslPort": 6234, // If FMPS is deployed on HTTPS, then specify the port on which it is listening. If FMPS is started by executing the run.bat file, then the value of this setting is picked from the server_url.txt file. Else, you need to change it manually.
         "protocol": "http://", // Specify the protocol “http://” or “https://” where FMPS is deployed. If FMPS is started by executing the run.bat file, then the value of this setting is picked from the server_url.txt file. Else, you need to change it manually.
         "typeOfAuth": "USERLOGIN", // Type of authentication to use with FMPS. Supported values are: USERLOGIN, ANONYMOUS, LDAP. The default authentication mechanism is basic username/password (USERLOGIN). If you change this, then the server restart is required.
         "daysForTokenExpiryUserLogin":7, // Days for token to expire used in USERLOGIN and LDAP.
         "useSSL": false, //By default SSL is not enabled. In case FMPS is setup on SSL, change this to true.

If useSSL is set to true, then set this component according to the location of the SSL certificate:
         "keyPath": absolute or URL path to server key, // Save the SSL certificate and the key of your organization in the “cert” folder. You must replace the sample path with your actual path.
         "certPath": absolute or URL path to SSL certificate, // Save the SSL certificate and the key of your organization in the “cert” folder. You must replace the sample path with your actual path.

For example, a sample path can be:
"keyPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\AdobeFrameMakerPublishingServer 2022\\server\\cert\\server.key",
"certPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\AdobeFrameMakerPublishingServer 2022\\server\\cert\\bundle.crt",
         "taskTimeOut": 60, // If the queued task is not picked up within the specified time (default 60 minutes), then it will retire and is pushed back with +1 number of retries.
         "runningtaskTimeOut": 200, // This is the timeout for running task, which means if a publishing task does not complete in 200 minutes, it will retire and is pushed back with +1 number of retries.
         "maxRetries": 5, //Max number of retries for a publishing task.
            "defaultTimezone": "Atlantic/Reykjavik"  //Default time zone for FMPS. Supported values are: Atlantic/Reykjavik for GMT, Asia/Kolkata for India, America/Los_Angeles for PDT, America/New_York for EDT, see for time zone information. Ideally this should align with the Server time zone.
"cronConfig": {
            "workscheduler": "*/10 * * * * *",
            "TaskPoller": "*/5 * * * * *",
            "TaskPollerFailed": "*/40 * * * * *"           
"ldapConfig": {  //If you are using LDAP-based authentication, then update the settings in this section. 
            "ldapurl": "ldaps://", //Specify the LDAP URL that is used for authentication. 
         "baseDN": "cn=users,dc=enterprise,dc=global,dc=enterprise,dc=com", //LDAP domain name string.
         "tlsOptions": false, //Set as “true” if LDAP uses TLS, else set it to “false”. 
         "domainName": "enterprise" //Specify the domain name that is appended with the username. For example, domainname\\username. 
"smtpConfig": { //Settings in this section are used to configure the email server that is used to send email notifications. 
         "host": "", //Specify the SMTP hostname.
         "smtpport": 25, //Specify the SMTP port.
         "username": "", //Specify the SMPT username that is used to send email notifications. 
         "password": "fmadmin", //Specify the password for the SMPT user.
         "requirePassword": false, //Set to true if password is required by the SMTP server and a value for the password settings is provided. 
         "disableSMTP": true, // By default SMTP is disabled. If you have configured the SMTP server, then set this setting to false. 
         "triggerAlertEmail":false, //Set to true if you want to enable email notifications for events such as high memory usage or server restart. By default, it is disabled (set to false).
         "alertEmail"  //A comma separated email IDs of users to whom an alert email notification is sent. 
"appConfig": {
          "_comment_For_AppConfig": "Settings in this section are used to setup application folders and logs.",
            "Company": "Adobe",
            "Product": "FrameMakerPublishingServer",
            "NodeLogs": "Nodelogs",
            "Version": "16",
            "MaxMem": 4096,
            "lengthOfLogMessage":10000    // Specify the total length of a log message in characters

Launch the server using the run.bat file

To launch the server component, you need to run the run.bat file available at the following location:

\Program Files\Adobe\AdobeFrameMakerPublishingServer 2022\server\run.bat

Typically, you would launch the server only after completing all configurations required for the server as well as the client components. The following section will guide you to configure the client components.

May 30, 2024

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