Plan the deployment architecture

The new and much improved scalable architecture of FrameMaker Publishing Server (FMPS) allows you to maximize your system utilization. FMPS is designed to support three types of scaling architecture:

Vertical scaling

The following illustration shows the vertical scaling deployment architecture:

In vertical scaling, FrameMaker Publishing Server component, client component, FrameMaker, and database are installed on the same system. In this architecture, for each publishing task, a new instance of FrameMaker is launched. The number of FrameMaker instances that a system can launch depend on the number of cores. For example, on a 4-core machine, FMPS can launch 1 instance of FrameMaker. On an 8-core machine, there can be a maximum of 3 instances of FrameMaker that can run simultaneously.In case the number of publishing tasks is more than the number of FrameMaker instance, then FMPS keeps such tasks in a queue. Once an existing task completes, then the task in the queue is assigned to the available instance of FrameMaker. This way, FrameMaker Publishing Server also acts as a load balancer.

Horizontal scaling

The following illustration shows the horizontal scaling architecture:

In horizontal scaling, FrameMaker Publishing Server component, client component, FrameMaker, and database are installed on different systems. As shown in the above illustration, FMPS is installed on System 1, and a single instance of FrameMaker along with client component is installed on System 2, System 3, and System 4. You can have as many instances of FrameMaker as you need, but you need only a single instance of FrameMaker Publishing Server. The load balancing happens in a similar way as described in vertical scaling

Mixed scaling

The third possible architecture is a mix of horizontal and vertical scaling:

In a mixed scaling architecture, a single instance of FrameMaker Publishing Server controls multiple instances of FrameMaker spread across multiple systems. As shown in the preceding illustration, System 2 has two instances of FrameMaker on it and System 4 has three instances of FrameMaker, each communicating with a single instance of FrameMaker Publishing Server.

May 30, 2024

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