Understand the various Help resources for you to get started with FMPS and other related products like FrameMaker.
Community Help is an integrated environment on Adobe.com that gives you access to community-generated content moderated by Adobe and industry experts. Comments from users help guide you to an answer. Search the FrameMaker Community Help to find the best content on the web about Adobe products and technologies, including these resources:
Videos, tutorials, tips and techniques, blogs, articles, and examples for designers and developers. Check the publishing workflow videos on the FrameMaker video hub page.
Complete online Help, which is updated regularly and may contain more information than the Help delivered with FrameMaker Publishing Server.
All other content on Adobe.com, including knowledge-base articles, downloads and updates, Adobe Developer Connection, and more.
Online Help also include links to the complete, updated PDF and HTML versions of Help for FMPS and other related products.
Visit the Adobe Support website at www.adobe.com/support to learn about free and paid technical support options.