
This section mentions the three views of FrameMaker: WYSIWYG, XML, and Author. To disable a view in FrameMaker, use a semicolon to comment out the relevant line.


WYSIWYG view’s settings. The first entry specifies whether the view is an internal one or plug-in based. The second entry specifies if the view is relevant to Structured or Unstructured FrameMaker (All = Structured and Unstructured FrameMaker). The third entry specifies the name of the view. The fourth entry specifies the DLL file for the plug-in. If the view is an internal one, the fourth entry is null. The fifth and the last entry is the name of the image file for the icon used for the view in FrameMaker.

Default settings: internal,all,wysiwyg view,null,PL_SwitchToWYSIWYG

Possible values: To disable this view in FrameMaker, use a semicolon to comment out the settings.

Author View

Author view’s settings. The first entry specifies whether the view is an internal one or plug-in based. The second entry specifies if the view is relevant to Structured or Unstructured FrameMaker (All = Structured and Unstructured FrameMaker). The third entry specifies the name of the view. The fourth entry specifies the DLL file for the plug-in. If the view is an internal one, the fourth entry is null. The fifth and the last entry is the name of the image file for the icon used for the view in FrameMaker.

Default settings: internal,structured,author view,null,PL_SwitchToAV

Possible values: To disable this view in FrameMaker, use a semicolon to comment out the settings.

XML View

XML view’s settings. The first entry specifies whether the view is an internal one or plug-in based. The second entry specifies if the view is relevant to Structured or Unstructured FrameMaker (All = Structured and Unstructured FrameMaker). The third entry specifies the name of the view. The fourth entry specifies the DLL file for the plug-in. If the view is an internal one, the fourth entry is null. The fifth and the last entry is the name of the image file for the icon used for the view in FrameMaker.

Default settings: plugin,structured,xml view,FMXmlView.dll,PL_SwitchToXmlView

Possible values: To disable this view in FrameMaker, use a semicolon to comment out the settings.

May 25, 2023

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