
Each setting under [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] assigns a Windows font to a FrameMaker font name. Thus, font information appears in the Windows interface as it does in other versions of FrameMaker. For example, Helvetica Narrow is normally a font family in Windows, but with aliasing Helvetica appears as a font family and Narrow appears as a variation in the Character Designer and Paragraph Designer.

Font aliasing also makes it possible to go back and forth easily between Windows and other platforms. FrameMaker automatically converts Windows fonts to their FrameMaker equivalents for you.

The settings under [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] use this syntax:

Windows-font [angle|*], [weight|*]=Frame-font [angle|*], [weight|*], [variation|*]

Windows-font is a font family available in Windows. The angle for this font can be either Regular or Italic, and the weight can be one of the weights defined in the font profile under [Fonts]. You can also use an asterisk (*) to specify no particular angle or weight.

Frame-font is a font family available on the other platforms. The angle, weight, and variation for this family can be any of the ones defined in the font profile. If you use an asterisk (*), the FrameMaker font will use the angle, weight, or variation from the Windows font.

For example, this setting assigns the Windows font family Helvetica Narrow to the FrameMaker font name Helvetica with the Narrow variation:

HelveticaNarrow, * , *=Helvetica, * , * , Narrow

The two asterisks specify that angles and weights are not affected in this alias.

If you do not have an appropriate alias defined for a Windows font, the default alias is used:

Windows-font *, *=Frame-font *, *, *

You can add more aliases to [WindowsToFrameFontAliases] and change existing ones. Follow the syntax for any changes you make.

May 25, 2023

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