
When you open a document that requires fonts not available on your system, an alert box appears telling you the document uses unavailable fonts. If you click OK, FrameMaker opens the document and substitutes the unavailable fonts with the fonts specified under [UnknownToKnownFontMap] in the initialization file. Initially, this section has a few lines of comments and some mappings for common Macintosh® fonts. You can change these mappings and add others.

The mappings under [UnknownToKnownFontMap] must use this syntax:

unavailable_Frame_font [angle|*], [weight|*], [variation|*]=available_Frame_font [angle|*], [weight|*],[variation|*]

The angles, weights, and variations for these mappings can be any of the ones defined in the font profile under [Fonts]. You can also use an asterisk (*) to specify no particular angle, weight, or variation.

For example,

Lumina, *, *=Helvetica, *, *, * 
Helvetica, *, Light, *=Helvetica, *, Regular, * 
Helvetica, *, *, UltraCompressed=Helvetica, *, *, Narrow

If you open a document with unavailable fonts and don’t have substitutes mapped for those fonts, FrameMaker replaces them with the default fonts defined under [Fonts] instead. Note that the settings under [UnknownToKnownFontMap] map one FrameMaker font to another. This is different from [WindowsToFrameFontAliases], which assigns a FrameMaker font name to an equivalent Windows font.

May 25, 2023

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