Configure the output

The main options in the ditafm-output.ini file are:


When set to 0

When set to 1


Creates a nested book from a ditamap retaining its structure, hierarchy, and levels.

Creates a flat book from a ditamap, where All topicrefs are flattened at the chapter level.


Generates a compound .fm document and then a PDF

Generates a book and then PDF. Use this option if you need book components, such as index, ToC, and FrontMatter.


Does not repeat title of table when a table continues across multiple pages

Repeats title of table for multiple pages when the table breaks across multiple pages


The figure titles appear in the output book as they are in the ditamap.

Moves the figure title to below the image in the generated file. (In DITA, by default the figure titles are placed above the images).

The section ditafm-output.ini sections and flags includes details of all the flags in the ditafm-output.ini file.

May 25, 2023

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