This flag specifies the language directory for FrameMaker, which has files such as hyphenation settings and language dictionaries for spell-checking.
Name of the folder that has standard FrameMaker templates.
FilterDllDir specifies the folder that contains the filters installed on your system.
The default directory for file open/save dialogs.
FrameMaker uses this flag to determine location of custom toolbar icons.
FrameMaker uses this flag to determine location of template browsers.
FrameMaker uses this flag to determine templates, such as structure window, error log, and element catalog.
Palettes in AlwaysOnTopPaletteDir always float in front of documents.
ColorLib specifies the folder that contains color library files. FrameMaker reads these files in at startup and displays them in the Color Libraries pop-up menu in the Color Definitions dialog box. You can add any library file formatted in the ASCII Color Format (.acf), version 2.1 or earlier, or in the Binary Color Format (.bcf), version 2.0. You can’t use a FrameMaker product to save a .bcf library file.
Do not change this flag’s value.
Directory containing FrameMaker’s fonts.
Do not edit.
This flag specifies the folder that contains Unicode files that are used to support Asian text in Acrobat bookmarks and other Acrobat features.
Directory of FrameMaker sample files
Sample clipart files
Sample FrameMaker templates
Location of SGML applications for Structured FrameMaker
Location of XML applications for Structured FrameMaker
Path of the FrameMaker Structured directory, which contains SGML application, XML Applications, and default read/write rule files.