Set this flag to On to display the text in FrameMaker using the printer metrics, so that the dimensions and spacing of the glyphs match with the printer output.
When you set this flag to Off, FrameMaker uses the screen metrics instead of printer metrics and printed output may differ from how the content appears on the screen.
Specify a point size of the font, such as 7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt, 24pt, or 36pt.
Specify a font angle, such as Regular, Kursiv, Slanted, Oblique, Italic, or Obliqued. If you specify any other font angle, FrameMaker uses Italic.
Specify one of the following as a font variation: UltraCompressed, ExtraCompressed, Compressed, Condensed, Narrow, Regular, Wide, Poster, or Expanded.
Specify one of the following as the font weight: Thin 100, ExtraLight 200, SemiLight 250, Light 300, Book 300, Regular 400, Medium 500, SemiBold 600, DemiBold 600, Bold 700, ExtraBold 800,or Heavy 900.
Default Japanese font family.
Default Korean font family.
Default simplified Chinese font family.
Default traditional Chinese font family.
Default font for Japanese dialogs.
Default font for Korean dialogs.
Default font for simplified Chinese dialogs.
Default font for traditional Chinese dialogs.
Specify a font for the Banner window.
Add FrameMaker font family names that are not spellchecked.