When set to 0, generates a compound .fm document and then a PDF
When set to 1, generates a book and then a PDF. Use this option when you need book components, such as index, ToC, and title page, in your output.
The directory where FrameMaker locates all the template files, such as for Chapter, section, ToC, Index, for generating the output.
0 retains the prolog element in the output.
1 removes the prolog element from the output. The prolog element is in the beginning of DITA files and includes metadata, such as Author and Copyright.
0 does not map the Dita <title> element to the FrameMaker table title.
1 maps the Dita table title to FrameMaker table title in the output. If the table spans multiple pages, the table title repeats for each page. The format of the table title for continued pages is Table <table number>: <table title> (Continued) (Sheet x of y). Further, the table title can be controlled with the following flags: AddVariablesToTableTitle and TableTitleFormatting.
Add the value Continuation or Sheet. Or add both delimited by pipeline (Continuation|Sheet).
Continuation adds (Continued) in the table title when table spans multiple pages.
Sheet displays (Sheet x of y) if the table spans multiple pages.
When set to FromTableFormat, the table title takes it formatting from the relevant table format.
When set to FromTitleElementFormat, the table title takes it formatting from the title element format in the EDD.
0 keeps the image title above the image.
1 keeps the image title below the image.
The name of the composite document template for DITA 1.1. The directory is set in the TemplateDir flag.
The composite document template is used when creating a composite doc from ditamap or a flat book from ditamap.
The name of the composite document template for DITA 1.2. The directory is set in the TemplateDir flag.
The composite document template is used when creating a composite doc from ditamap or a flat book from ditamap.
0 retains banner text in the output.
1 drops the banner text in the output.
For more information on banner text, see FrameMaker Help.