

Name of the template FrameMaker uses for generating the section.


Name of the template used as title page for child book\folder title at section level.


Set the section numbering flag using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart section numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous section.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.

  • UseSame: Use same as the previous section.


Specify a number to hardcode the first section’s number. Default value is 1.


Specify the text to apply to the first section if not a number.


Set the default section (apart from first section) numbering flag using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart section numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous section file.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.

  • UseSame: Use same as the previous section.


If you have specified SectionNumberingFirst as Restart, specify a value for the default section numbering.


If you have specified SectionNumberingFirst as Restart, specify a text value for the default section numbering.


Choose one of the following as the section numbering format:

  • Numeric

  • Roman_UC

  • Roman_LC

  • Alpha_UC

  • Alpha_LC

  • Kanji

  • Zenkaku

  • Zenkaku_UC

  • Zenkaku_LC

  • Kanji_Kazu

  • Daiji

  • Text

  • FullWidth

  • FullWidth_UC

  • FullWidth_LC

  • Chinese_Numeric


For the first section, set the page numbering flag using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart page numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous page.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.

  • UseSame: Use same as the previous page.


Specify a number to hardcode the first page number for the first section in the book output.


For page numbers apart from the first section, set the default page numbering flag using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart page numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous page file.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.


Enter a default value in this field.


Choose one of the following as the page numbering format:

  • Numeric

  • Roman_UC

  • Roman_LC

  • Alpha_UC

  • Alpha_LC

  • Kanji

  • Zenkaku

  • Zenkaku_UC

  • Zenkaku_LC

  • Kanji_Kazu

  • Daiji

  • FullWidth

  • FullWidth_UC

  • FullWidth_LC

  • Chinese_Numeric


Specify the pagination of the section as one of the following:

  • DoubleSided

  • SingleSided

If you have selected the pagination as double sided, also set the FirstPageSide flag.

Set the page rounding flag as one of the following:
  • MakeEven: FrameMaker makes the number of pages in a section even, if not already even, by inserting a blank page in the end.

  • MakeOdd: FrameMaker makes the number of pages in a section odd, if not already odd, by inserting a blank page in the end.

  • DontChange: FrameMaker does not change the number of pages in a section.

  • DeleteEmpty: FrameMaker deletes the empty pages in the end of the section files.


Use one of the following options to set the first page of the section file:

  • Restart: Restart page numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous page.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.

  • UseSame: Use same as the previous page.


Specify the paragraph numbering for the first paras in the list in the template as one of the following:

  • Restart: Restart paragraph numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous paragraph.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated template.


Specify the paragraph numbering for the paras, apart from the first ones, in the list in the template as one of the following:

  • Restart: Restart paragraph numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous paragraph.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated template.


Set the footnote numbering flag for the first section using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart footnote numbering from 1 for each page. When you have set this value, specify FootnoteNumberingFirstValue also.

  • PerPage: For each page in the book, FrameMaker restarts the footnote numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous page within a section file.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering properties specified in the associated section document.


If you have specified FootnoteNumberingFirst as Restart, specify a number for the first footnote in the first section. Default value is 1.


Specify a custom value for the footnote numbering for the first section.


Set the footnote numbering flag for the second and subsequent sections using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart footnote numbering from 1 for each page. When you have set this value, specify FootnoteNumberingFirstValue also.

  • PerPage: For each page in the book, FrameMaker restarts the footnote numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous page within a section file.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering properties specified in the associated section document.


If you have specified FootnoteNumberingDefault as Restart, specify a number for the first footnote in the second and subsequent sections. Default value is 1.


Specify a custom value for the footnote numbering for the second and subsequent sections in the book.


Choose one of the following as the footnote numbering format for all the sections in the book:


Set the table footnote numbering flag for the first section using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart table footnote numbering for the first section.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the table footnote numbering properties specified in the associated section document.


Specify a custom value for the table footnote numbering for the first section.


Set the table footnote numbering flag for the second and subsequent sections using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart table footnote numbering for the section.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the table footnote numbering properties specified in the associated section document.


Specify a custom value for the footnote numbering for the second and subsequent sections in the book.


Choose one of the following as the table footnote numbering format for all the sections in the book:

May 25, 2023

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