

Name of the template FrameMaker uses for generating the BookTitle in the output.


Set the page numbering flag for the book title file using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart page numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous file.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.


If you have specified PageNumbering as Restart, specify a number to hardcode the first page’s number. Default value is 1.


Choose one of the following as the book title page numbering format:

  • Numeric

  • Roman_UC

  • Roman_LC

  • Alpha_UC

  • Alpha_LC

  • Kanji

  • Zenkaku

  • Zenkaku_UC

  • Zenkaku_LC

  • Kanji_Kazu

  • Daiji

  • FullWidth

  • FullWidth_UC

  • FullWidth_LC

  • Chinese_Numeric


Specify the pagination of the book title file as:

  • DoubleSided

  • SingleSided

If you have selected the pagination as double sided, also set the FirstPageSide flag.

Set the page rounding flag as one of the following:
  • MakeEven: FrameMaker makes the number of pages in the file even, if not already even, by inserting a blank page in the end.

  • MakeOdd: FrameMaker makes the number of pages in the file odd, if not already odd, by inserting a blank page in the end.

  • DontChange: FrameMaker does not change the number of pages in the file.

  • DeleteEmpty: FrameMaker deletes the empty pages in the end of the file.


Use one of the following options to set the first page of the file:

  • ReadFromFile: Use the page side in the associated document.

  • NextAvailable: Starts the file with a left page if the previous page in the book was a right one. Or starts the file with a right page if the previous page in the book was a left one.

  • Left: Use this value to start file with a left page.

  • Right: Use this value to start file with a right page.

May 25, 2023

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