

To enable the FDK client programs, set the API flag to On.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays the OK to Exit FrameMaker? dialog box.


Log / stop logging errors in the file ErrorFileName (for Off the console window is not displayed)


FrameMaker creates this file on every launch. This file stores console error and warning messages.


Specify a point size at which the text displayed on the screen is grayed out.


Specify padding between an image and the anchored frame. Default value is 6.


Set this flag to decide whether FrameMaker preserves unavailable fonts’ names. When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker remembers missing fonts’ names and replaces the relevant text with different fonts. When missing fonts are available again, such as on a different computer or after installation, FrameMaker uses the correct fonts again.


When you use the Fit Windows® to Text Frame option in the Zoom pop-up menu and then change the zoom level, this flag determines whether the window resizes to fit the changed zoom level or not. When you set this flag to On and then change the zoom level, FrameMaker does not resize the document window.


This flag decides whether to alert you that the filenames you are saving may be illegal on one or more platforms. These problems are about prohibited characters or length of the filenames.

Default settings: Windows® 9x/2000/NT


In FrameMaker 5.5.6 and later, this flag allows control of the display and printing of library colors. The four settings you can use with this option are:

  • Printing: (Default option) Displays the RGB values from the library color description and prints the RGB values converted from CMYK values.

  • None: Displays and prints the RGB values from the library color description.

  • Printing&Screen: Displays and prints the RGB values converted from CMYK values.

  • Screen: Displays the converted RGB values and prints the RGB values from the library color description.

These options are for RGB printing only. The CMYK option always uses CMYK colors.


This flag defines the default color space override for Distiller: RGB/CMYK. Default value is RGB.


Extension for executable plugins.


Not supported in FrameMaker 11.


List the FrameMaker plugins here.


Set this flag as On to use a custom system cursor instead of the built-in FrameMaker cursor. When you set this flag to On, FrameMaker uses the OS cursors for mouse actions such as Rotate or Drag.


Set this flag as On to create backup file when you save a file.


Number of minute after which FrameMaker automatically creates a backup file for the active file.


API coverage file name. FrameMaker uses this file on shut down to store the coverage.


This flag controls whether a FrameImage facet is saved with imported graphics by default. The default value is off.


If this flag is set to On, FrameMaker creates a lock file (.lck extension) for an open file. The lock file prevents another user from opening and editing the same file. Another user, however, can view a read-only copy of an open file.


Typing text in Asian fonts is accomplished using a special input device. FrameMaker can recognize when you are typing an Asian font and load this device automatically. By default, this flag is set to On. If you set this flag to Off, use the appropriate command to load the input device.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker creates all the possible named (all paragraphs and elements) destinations. The On or Off value you set here is used a default value for the "Create all named destinations" option in the PDFSetup dialog.


Set this flag to On to align new or moved graphics to snap grid.


When you set this flag to On, gravity is enabled. Gravity ensures perfect alignment when drawing or resizing an object.


If your keyboard does not have an Alt Gr key and you need it, set this flag as On. Now, you can use the Ctrl and Alt keys together to achieve the same.


Yes enables recording “undo” history in FDK APIs. Turn this option Off to improve performance of certain FDK clients.


If this flag is set as On, FrameMaker clears the history on save.


When this flag is set to On, the Flash (SWF file) content in a FrameMaker document becomes inactive in PDF. When this flag is set to Off, SWF files get embedded in the PDF and are playable.


When this flag is set to On, the U3D content in a FrameMaker document becomes inactive in PDF. When this flag is set to Off, U3D objects get embedded in the PDF.


When this flag is set to On, when you save a FrameMaker file as PDF, the TIFF, PSD, and JPEG images in the documents are converted to EPS.


When this flag is set to On, after the sorting of tags, the tags starting with symbols would appear before tags with alphanumeric initials.


FrameMaker stores imported images as temporary files. If you import a file for the second time, the file is not downloaded again. After importing an image file into FrameMaker, the changes that you make in the file are not reflected in FrameMaker until you delete the temporary file and reimport the image file.

To avoid having to delete the temporary file, set the AlwaysDownloadURL flag to On.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker indicates the location of the object such as (variable, marker, or conditional).

Related flags:


When you set LocDisplayCriteria, as On, use this flag to specify first column’s title as para style’s name in Panels. Default value is Heading1. This flag is relevant to Unstructured FrameMaker. For more information on Panels, see FrameMaker Help.


When you set LocDisplayCriteria, as On, use this flag to specify second column’s title as para style’s name in Panels. Default value is Heading2. This flag is relevant to Unstructured FrameMaker. For more information on Panels, see FrameMaker Help.


When you set LocDisplayCriteria, as On, use this flag to specify first column’s title as element name in Panels. Default value is Element1. This flag is relevant to Structured FrameMaker. For more information on Panels, see FrameMaker Help.


When you set LocDisplayCriteria, as On, use this flag to specify second column’s title as element name in Panels. Default value is Element2. This flag is relevant to Structured FrameMaker. For more information on Panels, see FrameMaker Help.


If you have memory issues when doing replace all/replace in a book, or during similar operations, reduce the replace cache size from the default 200.


The code points between the start and end (inclusive) are treated as roman code range (While rendering text, FrameMaker does not apply CJK rules to these ranges ).


The number of seconds to wait when connecting to the webdav server.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker hides child elements are also hidden along with parent element.


By default this entry is set to On. Set this entry to Off to disable the repeat typing operation.


Enable/disable repeat last executed command.


This flag is for internal use only. Do not modify.


Whether or not to validate the file after “post close” XSLT is applied on XML.


Whether to allow saving a file with invalid XML or not.


On file open, suppress XML parser validation warnings.


When this flag is set to Yes, FrameMaker converts multiple contiguous white spaces to a single one. This option is useful while opening pretty printed (nested code) files.




If this flag is set to Off, FrameMake does not embed multimedia in the PDF.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays only the file references in the Ditamap view. FrameMaker does not display the metadata elements as they are not file reference nodes.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMake displays the nav title element in the Ditamap view.


If this flag is turned On, while saving the XML files FrameMaker preserves the OLE objects (does not convert into a MIF reference). For more information on direct OLE support in XML, see FrameMaker Help.


Enter a value to limit the number of rows in the multimedia link table. This table is relevant when you create links to a graphic/multimedia in FrameMaker 11. It is possible for a graphic/multimedia object to have hundreds of parts. Default value for this flag is 100. For more information on multimedia links table, see FrameMaker Help.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker uses Smart Paste if you copy and paste content from external applications such as MS Word, Excel, or a browser. If the flag is set Off, the content from external applications is pasted as plain text.


When this flag is on, if an object is placed 10 px from the left margin, changing the direction (RTL – LTR) will cause the object to be placed 10 px from the right margin. However, the orientation of the object remains the same.


When this flag is on, if an object is placed 10 px from the left margin, changing the direction (RTL – LTR) will cause the object to be placed 10 px from the right margin. The orientation of the object is flipped (mirrored).


This flag is used to set SetPDFPortOptions, which decides whether the JPEG existing as graphic in a SVG image should be created in high quality or not. Default value is 0.


When this flag is on, all images are imported by reference. Default value is On.


Specifies whether the tabbed Welcome Screen is to be displayed by default or not. Default value is On.


The SuppressExtensions setting controls which file extensions are suppressed when suppression is enabled. By default, only .fm and .book extensions are suppressed. If you want to disable all file extension suppression, you can either disable extension suppression in the shell or edit SuppressExtensions to have a blank value.


To enable the FDK client programs, set the API flag to On.


The zoom percent levels in the Zoom menu.

Default settings: 25, 50, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 200

Possible values: 25-1600


Pen widths in points (pt) for that appear in the Line Widths pop-up menu in the Tools palette. These values are updated every time you exit FrameMaker, using the current settings in the Line Widths pop-up menu.

Default settings: 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 4.0

Possible values: 0.15-360

Relevant user interface dialog: Line Width Options (Launched from the graphics toolbar)


Use this flag to control the clipboard paste options. You can tweak this flag’s values to ensure when you paste from Microsoft® applications to FrameMaker, the pasted text appears as text, Unicode text, OLE object, or any other format.


Possible values: You can change the order of the values.


This flag determines if mnemonic command shortcuts are shown on menus. Mnemonic shortcuts are underlined letters in command labels. When a menu is open, you can choose a command by typing the underlined letter (for example, the O underlined in the Open command on the File menu).

Possible values: On and Off


This flag controls how long, in milliseconds, you must hold down the mouse button for pop-up menus, such as the Zoom menu, to open. The preset value, 500, specifies an interval similar to that for opening menus in the menu bar.


When this flag is set to On, the default display units for the ruler, grid, and snap are based on the document template. When this flag is set to Off, the values are taken from the ini file itself.


Values in inches for the tick marks on the vertical and horizontal rulers in new documents. This setting is applied only when UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is set to Off. Otherwise, FrameMaker uses the values in the template.


Values in centimeters for the tick marks on the vertical and horizontal rulers in new documents. This setting is applied only when UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is set to Off. Otherwise, FrameMaker uses the values in the template.


Values in inches for spacing of the visible grid lines in new documents. This setting is applied only when UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is set to Off. Otherwise, FrameMaker uses the values in the template.


Values in centimeters for spacing of the visible grid lines in new documents. This setting is applied only when UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is set to Off. Otherwise, FrameMaker uses the values in the template.


Value in inches for the spacing of the snap grid lines in new documents. This setting is applied only when UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is set to Off. Otherwise, FrameMaker uses the values in the template.


Values in centimeters for the spacing of the snap grid lines in new documents. This setting is applied only when UseDisplayUnitInTemplate is set to Off. Otherwise, FrameMaker uses the values in the template.


Set this option to On to use FrameMaker’s built-in methods of generating PostScript code. This option is faster and of higher quality. Set this option to Off to standard Windows® methods to generate standard postscript code. Using this method, FrameMaker creates preview image of EPS graphics instead of the PostScript image.


When getting the facet from PDF, limit the number of pixels we use in rasterizing.


FrameMaker has two built-in sets of menus for each product interface (FrameMaker and Structured FrameMaker). Complete menus are the menus and commands as described in the FrameMaker User Guide and in online Help. Quick menus are a subset of complete menus. You can also create your own custom menu set. The MenuSet setting defines which set of menus appears when you start. By default, the Complete menu set is used.

Possible values: Complete, Quick, and Custom


If you set ConfigWarnKbdRedundant to On, you see warning messages in the console window when you load the customization (*.cfg) file if it contains redundant shortcut definitions.


If you set ConfigWarnKbdOverride to On, you see warning messages when you load the customization file if it contains shortcut definitions for commands that already have shortcuts defined for them. The warning messages appear in the console window.


Set this flat to On, to display the Unknown File Type dialog every time you try to open an unknown file type in FrameMaker. The Unknown File Type dialog gives you an option to convert some file types, such as Excel, Word, and Text, to a FrameMaker file. If you set this flag to Off, FrameMaker displays the message “Cannot open the file.”

Default is Off.


When this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays the filename in the title of the document or book window before the path.


If this flag is set to On, when a panel is in iconic mode, clicking the icon of the panel in FrameMaker opens the panel. When focus goes away from the panel it collapses to an icon.


If this flag is set to On, in the full screen mode of FrameMaker, the panels and toolbars appear in a thin dark-grey strip. Hovering over these panels and toolbars shows the panels and toolbars.


When you close panels they are hidden but are still active in the memory and may affect FrameMaker’s performance. If you set this flag to Off, FrameMaker removes the panels when you close them. To display them again, choose them from the FrameMaker menus.

Relevant user interface dialog: Preferences dialog (Edit > Preferences)


Specifies whether the full menu path should be displayed in the command search menu or not. Default value is On.


Set this flag to On to enable displaying documents as tabs in FrameMaker.


If this flag is set to On, when a floating document is solo, its single tab is not shown.


Specifies whether the new Windows file browsing dialog should be used or not. Default value is On.


Not processed for FrameMaker 11.


If this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays the Unresolved Cross references dialog box while opening a document that has unresolved cross references.


If this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays an alert while opening an older release document.


If this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays an alert while opening a document with unavailable fonts.


If this flag is set to On, FrameMaker displays an alert while opening a document if the FrameMaker current session’s dictionary provider does not match the document’s dictionary provider.


Suppress the alert that is displayed while opening a file format that is not supported in the current mode.


Suppress the alert that is displayed while opening a file format that is not supported in the current view.


Last view, XML, Author, or WYSIWYG, active when user exited the FM session.


If the last FrameMaker session ended in a crash and it can be restored, then on the next FrameMaker session launch ask if user wants to restore session.


Name of the Last Used WorkSpace in the structured mode.


Name of the Last Used WorkSpace in the unstructured mode.


Display the last used workspace in the FrameMaker XML Author mode.


Enable/disable auto spell check.


If the flag is set to On, the FrameMaker 11 Smart Insert functionality is enabled. Default: Off.


Set the flag to On to load the ExtendScripts on start-up. Default: Off.


Set the flag to On to load the fonts in the adobe directory on start up. Default: Off.


Set to On to load all clients in idle loops after FrameMaker launches. Default: Off.


The list of script which you do not want to load on start up.


Specify the engine to use in regular expression search and replace. Possible options:

  • egrep

  • grep

  • Perl

Use this flag to toggle the usage of Asian layout (RTL) engine. Default is Off.
This flag controls the zoom percentage of the book window. Default value is 100.
This flag controls the zoom percentage of the Repository Manager window. Default value is 100.
This flag controls the zoom percentage of the project window. Default value is 100
This flag controls the zoom percentage of the DITA map window. Default value is 100.
This flag saves the strings searched in the Find/ Change dialog. A history of searched strings is maintained across FrameMaker sessions.
This flag saves the strings changed through the Find/Change dialog. A history of changed strings is maintained across FrameMaker sessions.

Whether or not to retain the invalid xml in the temp directory while saving an XML file. The user may want to see the temp file for errors.


Set this flag to On to paste conditional content using the destination document’s settings.


Set this flag to On to apply conditional text to complete elements rather than part text inside the element.


The EPSLevelForPlacedPdf specifies the level of EPS to use for placed PDF images. By default, FrameMaker prints imported PDF (Placed PDF) files by converting them to Level 2 EPS files. Use this setting to specify Level 1 or Level 2.


Structure window zoom value.


Structure window element font for Japanese.


Structure window element font for Korean.


Global file path to read XML attributes.


Structure window element font for traditional Chinese.


Structure window element font for simplified Chinese.


This flag controls whether or not FrameMaker displays "history will be cleared, can't undo" alert.


Size of undo list.


Allow/disable import of file Info.


Set this flag to On, to hide the FrameMaker welcome screen.


If set, checkout http files on open.


If set, upload http files on save.

Set this flag to On to add Unicode characters within the strings in the Equations panel.
Note: If you set this flag to On, check your equation to ensure that the equation fits in the equation box.

First file to be opened in FrameMaker during the first launch.


Set this flag to On, to display splash screen on FrameMaker launch. Default is On.


Set this flag to On to display an alert when FrameMaker cannot write/update the maker.ini file. Default is On.


Set this flat to On to suppress the missing font dialog when you open a document. Default is Off.


Set this flag to On to suppress alerts when opening document about some of the languges used in the document aren't available with FM. Default is Off.


Use this flag to specify the font name of the structure window element.


Use this flag to specify the font size of the structure window element.


Structure window attribute font name.


Structure window attribute font size.


Structure window attribute value font name.


Structure window attribute value font size.


Structure window keyword font name.


Structure window keyword font size.


Structure window attribute error symbol.


Structure window attribute separator symbol.


Structure window expand symbol.


Structure Window collapse symbol.


Structure window attribute none symbol.


Structure window attribute some symbol.


Structure window attribute all symbol.


Japanese imperial era date strings. Enter the date in the following format: DD MM YY Name | DD MM YY Name | DD MM YY Name |. The most recent era should come first followed by older ones. The last item is the era after "Heisei" era.


Set this flag to 2 to convert wmf to emf during printing.


Plugin directory cache. Specify the directory for FrameMaker plugins.


Font directory cache. This file will cache the information FrameMaker stores in the SBX files. On startup, FrameMaker reads the info from the cached file instead of opening and reading each file every time.


Set this flag to On to prevent document tabbing while dragging.


Set this flag to On to allow opening composite documents as tabs.


Set this flag to Normal, Fast, or Hidden to define the tooltip appearance mode.


FrameMaker UI brightness: 1 or 0. 1 is for light and 0 is for dark.


Whether to use greyscale application icon or not.


Limit of recent files list.


Enter the name of the file to be used as a poster if the actual poster is not valid/readable.


Optimize handling of OLE objects.


Show/hide the following options in the manage attribute expressions dialog:

  • Ditaval as condition

  • Apply condition tag

  • Remove if previously applied


When this option is set to On, if there are unsupported hotspot shapes in an fm file, FrameMaker displays the Unsupported Hotspot Shapes dialog when generating PDF.


Whether to show learning resources on the welcome screen.


Display the last active view in FrameMaker XML Author mode.


Open a document that is dragged on to the document window.


Set the initial (default) value for runaround style of an image when the image is inserted in a FrameMaker document. Possible values:

  • Contour

  • BoundingBox

  • None


Specify the size of toolbar icons. Possible values:

  • Large

  • Small


Specify the color option of toolbar icons. Possible values:

  • Colored

  • Monochrome


Set the flag to On to view the grid lines in all open documents in the current session.

Use this flag and specify the grid line spacing. Default value is 0.
Set the flag to On to view the vertical and horizontal rulers in all open documents in the current session.
Use this flag and specify the scaling value of the ruler. Default value is 0.
Set the flag to Onto view the border of the text frame in all open documents in the current session.
Set the flag to On to view text symbols like an end of paragraph, anchored frame, table or other formatting information in all open documents in the current session.
Set the flag to On to view the hotspot indicators in all open documents in the current session.
Set the flag to On to view element boundaries as square brackets around the content in all open documents in the current session.
Set the flag to On to view the tag names as element boundaries around the content in all open documents in the current session.
Set this flag to On to enable the contextual tips in FrameMaker.
This flag lists the font names that allows standard ligatures.
Set this flag to On to show the topic’s content in the Structure View of the document.
This flag is not available by default, however you can add it in the maker.ini file. This flag controls the display settings for the dialog box that appears on first launch of FrameMaker. After displaying the dialog box, this flag is turned off.
This flag has been deprecated from FrameMaker 2020 Summer release Update 2 and later versions.
This flag is not available by default. However, you can add it to the maker.ini file. This flag controls the auto-scaling behavior of an image - be it in an anchored frame, table cell, or side head. By default, when you insert an image, it is not scaled down to fit into the anchored frame, table cell, or side head. If you want to enable auto-scaling, then add this flag and set its value to On.
This flag is not available by default, however you can add it in the maker.ini file. This flag controls the checkout behavior of dependent files behavior in SharePoint and Documentum. By default, when you checkout a file in SharePoint or Documentum, the dependent files are checked out along with the parent file, this corresponds to On value of the flag. If you want to disable checkout of dependent files and only want to check out the parent file, then add this flag and set its value to Off.
This flag is not available by default, however you can add it in the maker.ini file. This flag controls the resolution of the PDF output. When you generate the PDF output for a document with page size bigger than A4, some content may not fit on the page and not get published properly. To prevent the loss of content, add this flag and set its value to 300.
This flag controls if the line containing forced return (EOL) should be justified. The default value is On. Set it to Off if you do not want to justify the line containing forced return (EOL).
This flag controls the automatic prettifying prints (indentation) in XML view. The default value is On.
This flag controls the enhancement of XML save for leading or trailing spaces and tab spaces. If this tag is set as On, the leading or trailing spaces and tab spaces are preserved when you save a XML file. The default value is Off.
This flag is not available by default, however you can add it in the maker.ini file. This flag controls the optimized handling of OLE objects. The default value is On.
This flag controls the logging levels for tracing and debugging errors or crashes at users' end. The different levels of logging are as follows:
  • FV_LogMsgTypeFileT_Info (Default)

  • FV_LogMsgTypeFileT_Trace

  • FV_LogMsgTypeFileT_Debug

This flag is not available by default, however you can add it in the maker.ini file. You can use this flag to specify the DPIs to convert the raster images used in your documents. The default value is 300.
This flag controls the transparency channel for masking the TIFF graphics. The transparency channel in TIFF graphics is picked in the following way:
  • When this flag is set to On, the first extra channel is picked as the transparency channel to mask the TIFF graphic. Any other extra channel is ignored.
  • This flag is Onby default When the flag is set to Off, and the extra channel is the associated alpha, then it is picked as the transparency channel to mask the TIFF graphic. Any other extra channel is ignored.
This flag controls the settings of the AEM connector which allows you to manage your FrameMaker documents using the DAM. Use one or more of the following options with values as 0 or 1:
  • CloseFileOnCheckin=0 or 1 (Default)
  • OpenFileOnCheckout=0 or 1 (Default)
  • AutoCheckoutFileOnSave=0 (Default) or1
  • AutoCheckoutFileOnOpen=0 (Default) or 1
  • AutoCheckoutShowPrompt=0 (Default) or 1
  • AutoCheckoutEnable=0 (Default) or 1

May 25, 2023

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