This flag sets the Create radio buttons in the Compare Documents and Compare Books dialog boxes. When this setting is On, only a summary document is created. When this setting is Off, both summary and composite documents are created.
This flag controls the standard choice for marking insertions. You can choose:
ConditionInserted: The standard Inserted condition
ConditionTag: A custom condition
Edit the file so the option you want is the only one without a semicolon before it. If you choose a custom condition for inserted text, specify its tag with the InsertConditionTag setting.
This flag controls the standard choice for marking deletions. You can choose:
ConditionDeleted: The standard Inserted condition
ConditionTag: A custom condition, ;
ReplacementText: Replacement text
Edit the file so the option you want is the only one without a semicolon before it.
Related flags:
If you choose a custom condition for MarkDeletedText, specify the condition tag in the DeleteConditionTag setting.
If you choose replacement text for the MarkDeletedText setting, add the replacement text as a text string in the DeleteReplacementText setting (in place of the ^).
Set this flag to On to add change bars to the composite document.
Set this flag to On to add hypertext links to the summary document.
Set this flag to On to compare elements’ attribute values also during doc comparison.
This flag controls when to mark an entire paragraph or table cell as changed. The preset value is 75; an entire paragraph is marked as changed if 75 percent or more of the words are changed. You can increase or decrease this percentage.