Customizing DITA using the plugin

The DITA customization plugin in FrameMaker presents an easy-to-use mechanism to customize your DITA templates. The plugin is based on Regular Language for XML Next Generation (RELAX NG). RELAX NG is a simplified schema language for XML. It defines patterns for the structure as well as content of an XML document. The DITA customization plugin uses the RELAX NG schema of DITA 1.3 and Lightweight DITA.

The plugin takes the RELAX NG files of a DITA document, flattens it out by resolving dependencies, then it start converting them in XML files and finally it creates an EDD. In this process, it also takes the content styling information from a CSS and apply it on the template. The final output is in the form of a structured application that can then be used to create documents based on the customized DITA.

This topic describes the DITA customization process using the plugin, taking a backup of your customizations, and restoring customization from backed up configuration files.

September 29, 2022

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