Home > Print and publish > Multichannel publishing > Configure publish settings > Output settings > Publish Responsive HTML5 output on RoboHelp Server

Publish Responsive HTML5 output on RoboHelp Server

To publish Responsive HTML5 output on RoboHelp Server, do the following:

Note: Before performing the steps in this procedure, ensure that your RoboHelp Server is up and running.
  1. Select the document file (.fm or .xml) or book file (.book or .ditamap) that you want to publish.

  2. Choose File > Publish.

  3. In the Publish panel, right-click Responsive HTML5 and select Edit Settings.

    The Outputs tab appears with the Responsive HTML5 selected by default.

  4. Select the Server tab.

  5. Click New to create a RoboHelp Server destination to publish projects. In the New Destination dialog, provide Descriptive Name, Server Name, User ID, and Password to connect and authenticate to the RoboHelp Server.

  6. Click the Refresh button to refresh the list of areas from the server. If you do not select an area, the project is published in the default area.

    Note: To publish to the default context (robohelp), enter the server name in the http://<server-name>:<port-number> format. FrameMaker appends /robohelp/server to it. Else, to publish to a context other than the default context (robohelp), specify complete URL in the format http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context- name>/server.
  7. Click OK to save the server configurations and close the New Destination dialog.

    The new server destination can be seen in the Servers dialog.

  8. Click Save and Close to close the Publish Settings dialog.
  9. To publish the project to the server, right-click Responsive HTML5 in the Publish panel and select Publish to Server.

  10. Click Publish in the Result dialog.

    You can view the files published on the server in the Statistics window.

Note: To view the project on the server, go to RoboHelp Server Web Administrator and in the Projects tab, select the area where you have published the projects.