Home > Graphics and objects > Anchored frames > Fill and edit anchored frames > Auto-Scale an image in a graphic frame

Auto-Scale an image in a graphic frame

You can maintain the picture quality when you insert images at various positions in both structured and unstructured documents. FrameMaker maintains the image resolution even when you fit an image that is larger than the size of the anchored frame.

To scale the image automatically, do the following:

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Graphics.
  2. Select Auto-Scale Image Along Width (on Insertion).
Figure 1. Auto-scale images option in the Preferences dialog

This feature scales the image proportionally to fit into its parent anchored frame while maintaining the best possible DPI.

You can use this option to scale your images when you insert them both in structured (DITA 1.2 or 1.3) and unstructured documents at the following positions:

Note: The image in your PDF and Responsive HTML5 output is the same as in the WYSIWIG view. For XML and DITA, you get the output per the @height, @width, and @scale attributes defined for the image.

To support this functionality a new property AutoScaleImageAlongWidth has been added in the maker.ini file in place of the AutoScaleImageInTableCell property. To know more see, Adobe FrameMaker INI Reference.