Home > Structured authoring > Getting started with Structured Applications > Build a Structured Application

Build a Structured Application

Learn how you can build a Structured Application in FrameMaker.

To enable XML import and export for structured proposals, you need to set up a Structured Application, which lists the components of the structured authoring environment.

First, you need to create a document type definition (DTD) that matches the EDD.

Create a DTD

  1. Open the proposal_edd.fm file in Structured FrameMaker.

  2. Choose Structure > DTD > Save As DTD. Specify the filename (proposal.dtd) and where you want to save the file, and then click Save.

  3. In the Use Structured Application dialog box, leave the default selection, <No Application>, and click Continue.

  4. In the Select Type dialog box, select XML and then click OK. The DTD file is written out to the location you specified.

You also need a Structured Template that contains formatting and EDD information.

Create a Structured Template

  1. Open the structured_proposal.fm file.

  2. Delete all content from the file. A Structured Template must be empty.

  3. Save the file as proposal_template.fm.

Now, you are ready to configure the Structured Application.

Configure the Structured Application

  1. Choose Structure > Application Definition > Edit Application Definitions. This command opens the structapps.fm file—in which application definitions are stored—from the following location:


    Note: Like the EDD, the application definition file is itself structured.
  2. Insert an <XMLApplication> element as a child of the <StructuredSetup> element.

  3. Type Proposal for the application name.

  4. Insert a DTD element and specify the following as the DTD element text:

  5. Insert a Template element and specify the following as the Template element text:

  6. Choose File > Save to save the structapps.fm file.

  7. Choose Structure > Application Definition > Read Application Definitions to update FrameMaker with the new application definition.

    Note: To verify that the application is installed correctly, choose Structure > Set Structured Application to display the Set Structured Application dialog box. If you set up the applications definitions correctly, Proposal appears in the drop-down list object.

Finally, you need to copy the application files into the directory where the Structured Application definition expects them.

Copy the application files

  1. Locate your FrameMaker installation folder using the file explorer, and navigate to the Structure\xml folder.

  2. In the xml folder, create a proposal folder.

  3. Copy the proposal.dtd and proposal_template.fm files into the proposal folder.